Module foundations::settings

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Available on crate feature settings only.
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Serializable service settings with documentation.

Foundations provides API to generate YAML-serializable documented settings for a service. Such settings structures can be used in conjunction with Cli which takes care of settings parsing and generation of default configuration. However, provided settings functionality can be used standalone as well.

Foundations automatically implements Settings trait for structures or enums annotated with settings attribute macro. Macro converts Rust doc comments into YAML field documentation and also implements all the traits required for settings serialization and default configuration.

Foundations’ settings philosophy is that service should always have default configuration that works out of the box, therefore the requirement for all settings structures and enums to implement the Default trait.

§Substitutes for commonly used Rust standard library types

Some of the standard types don’t implement certain traits required for settings, or are not suitable conceptually with configuration. Therefore, the library provides compatible subtitutes for such types that can be found in net and collections modules.

§Explicit subsettings

The other important requirement of Foundations’ settings is to present as much documentation for the default settings as possible, so all the possible configuration is explicitly visible.

Consider the following TLS settings structure:

struct TlsSettings {
    /// Certificate to be presented by the server
    cert: String,

    /// Certificate's public key
    pkey: String

Let’s say we want to add TLS settings to our HTTP listener settings. Since TLS is optional the common approach to reflect that in Rust would be to wrap TLS settings in Option:

struct ListenerSettings {
    /// Address of the server
    addr: foundations::settings::net::SocketAddr,

    /// TLS settings
    tls: Option<TlsSettings>

There’s a problem here when it comes to settings. If you want TLS to be disabled by default then default value for the tls field in your config will be None, which means that possible knobs for TLS would not be rendered in the default YAML config, hiding the documentation for this part of functionality as well.

Instead, the recommended approach is to avoid using Option in such situations and provide an explicit enabled knob to the TlsSettings:

struct TlsSettings {
    /// Enables TLS for the listener
    enabled: bool,

    /// Certificate to be presented by the server
    cert: String,

    /// Certificate's public key
    pkey: String

struct ListenerSettings {
    /// Address of the server
    addr: foundations::settings::net::SocketAddr,

    /// TLS settings
    tls: TlsSettings

§Dealing with 3rd-party crate types in settings

Even though Foundations strives to implement the Settings trait for most commonly used types, it’s not uncommon to have a type from a 3rd-party crate in your configuration whose code you don’t control and, thus, can’t implement the trait for it.

The solution for such situations is to provide a wrapper type and implement the Settings trait for it.

For example, if you would like to use ipnetwork::Ipv4Network type in your configuration you can provide the following wrapper which implements all the required traits and provides methods to convert to the original structure for it to be used in your code:

// NOTE: there's no `Default` implementation for the wrapped type, so we disable
// `#[derive(Default)]` generation by the macro.
#[settings(impl_default = false)]
pub struct Ipv4Network(ipnetwork::Ipv4Network);

// Provide a reasonable default implementation.
impl Default for Ipv4Network {
    fn default() -> Self {

// Provide a way to convert to the original type.
impl From<Ipv4Network> for ipnetwork::Ipv4Network {
    fn from(net: Ipv4Network) -> Self {



  • A trait for a YAML-serializable settings with documentation.


Attribute Macros§

  • A macro that implements the Settings trait for a structure or an enum and turns Rust doc comments into serializable documentation.