Crate foundationdb

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FoundationDB Rust Client API

This is a wrapper library around the FoundationDB (Fdb) C API. It implements futures based interfaces over the Fdb future C implementations.


Install FoundationDB

Install FoundationDB on your system, see FoundationDB Local Development, or these instructions:

  • Ubuntu Linux (this may work on the Linux subsystem for Windows as well)
$> curl -O
$> curl -O
$> sudo dpkg -i foundationdb-clients_5.1.5-1_amd64.deb
$> sudo dpkg -i foundationdb-server_5.1.5-1_amd64.deb
  • macOS
$> curl -O
$> sudo installer -pkg FoundationDB-5.1.5.pkg -target /

Add dependencies on foundationdb-rs

foundationdb = "*"
futures = "0.1"

Extern the crate in or

extern crate foundationdb;


Due to limitations in the C API, the Client and it’s associated Network can only be initialized and run once per the life of a process. Generally the foundationdb::init function will be enough to initialize the Client. See foundationdb::default_api and foundationdb::builder for more configuration options of the Fdb Client.


extern crate futures;
extern crate foundationdb;

use std::thread;
use futures::future::*;
use foundationdb::{self, *};

let network = foundationdb::init().expect("failed to initialize Fdb client");

let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || {
    let error =;

    if let Err(error) = error {
        panic!("fdb_run_network: {}", error);

// wait for the network thread to be started

// work with Fdb
let db = Cluster::new(foundationdb::default_config_path())
    .and_then(|cluster| cluster.create_database())
    .wait().expect("failed to create Cluster");

// set a value
let trx = db.create_trx().expect("failed to create transaction");

trx.set(b"hello", b"world"); // errors will be returned in the future result
    .expect("failed to set hello to world");

// read a value
let trx = db.create_trx().expect("failed to create transaction");
let result = trx.get(b"hello", false).wait().expect("failed to read world from hello");

let value: &[u8] = result.value()
    .unwrap();   // unwrap the option

// should print "hello world"
println!("hello {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(value));

// cleanly shutdown the client
network.stop().expect("failed to stop Fdb client");

API stability

WARNING Until the 1.0 release of this library, the API may be in constant flux.


pub use cluster::Cluster;
pub use database::Database;
pub use error::Error;
pub use transaction::Transaction;


Implementations of the FDBCluster C API
Implementations of the FDBDatabase C API
Error types for the Fdb crate
Implementations of the Fdb API versioning C API
Most functions in the FoundationDB API are asynchronous, meaning that they may return to the caller before actually delivering their result.
A KeySelector identifies a particular key in the database.
Implementations of the Network related functions for FoundationDB
Generated configuration types for use with the various set_option functions
Implementations of the FDBTransaction C API
Tuple Key type like that of other FoundationDB libraries


Represents a well-defined region of keyspace in a FoundationDB database


Allows the API version, etc, to be configured before starting.
Initialize the FoundationDB Client API, this can only be called once per process.
Returns the default Fdb cluster configuration file path
Initialize the FoundationDB Client API, this can only be called once per process.