initSidebarItems({"fn":[["parse_multipart","This function parses and processes `hyper::server::Request` data that contains `multipart/form-data` content. It does this in a streaming fashion, saving embedded uploaded files to disk as they are encountered by the parser."]],"mod":[["buf",""],["error",""]],"struct":[["ContentDispositionFormData","We define a Content-Disposition form-data only header, which is found within the mime multipart sections. NOT FOR GENERAL USE, as it is very limited in scope."],["UploadedFile","This structure represents uploaded files which were received as part of the `multipart/form-data` parsing. They are streamed to disk because they may not fit in memory."]],"trait":[["Request","A wrapper trait for `hyper::server::Request` data to provide parsing multipart requests to any front-end that provides a `hyper::header::Headers` and a `std::io::Read` of the request's entire body."]]});