Macro format_bytes::format_bytes[][src]

macro_rules! format_bytes {
    ($($args: tt)*) => { ... };

Creates a Vec<u8> using interpolation of runtime expressions.

The first argument format_bytes! receives is a format bytestring. This must be a bytestring literal. The power of the formatting string is in the {}s contained.

Additional arguments passed to format_bytes! replace the {}s within the formatting bytestring in the order given. It only supports positional arguments for now, but a future version should add support for named arguments.

These additional arguments may have any type that implements the DisplayBytes trait.


use format_bytes::format_bytes;

assert_eq!(format_bytes!(b""), b"");
assert_eq!(format_bytes!(b"here"), b"here");
assert_eq!(format_bytes!(b"this {{ escapes {{"), b"this {{ escapes {{");
assert_eq!(format_bytes!(b"also this {{}}"), b"also this {{}}");
assert_eq!(format_bytes!(b"this works {{{}}}", b"a"), b"this works {{a}}");
    format_bytes!(b"look at those {} bytes", &[0u8, 1, 2]),
    b"look at those \x00\x01\x02 bytes"

let bytes = vec![0u8, 1, 2];

    format_bytes!(b"look at those {} bytes", bytes),
    b"look at those \x00\x01\x02 bytes"
    format_bytes!(b"{}.{}.{}.{}", 1_i32, 2_u8, 3_f32, &4),
    format_bytes!(b"what about this very very long message {}?", "here".as_bytes()),
    b"what about this very very long message here?".to_vec()