Crate forgefix

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An opinionated FIX 4.2 client library for the buy-side.

ForgeFIX is an engine that implements a subset of the FIX protocol which allows users to connect to brokers or exchanges to send and receive messages.


  • FIX Connection – A single connection to a FIX Session. A network connection is made over TCP, then a FIX logon handshake is performed to establish the FIX connection. The FIX connection ends properly with a FIX logout, but is considered ended if the TCP connection breaks.

    • Note, the term ‘connection’ is overloaded and can also mean TCP connection. When unclear, a ‘connection’ will be specified as TCP or FIX.
  • FIX Session – A conceptual construct that represents the bidirectional stream of ordered messages between two peers. A FIX Session can live across multiple instances of a FIX connection.

  • FIX Engine – A sub-process running in the background that manages a single FIX connection to a FIX Session. The engine starts, runs, and ends the FIX connection as defined by the FIX protocol, and manages all resources that support the connection.


§Asynchronous API

use forgefix::{
    SessionSettings, FixApplicationHandle, FixApplicationInitiator, ApplicationError,

async fn main() -> Result<(), ApplicationError> {
    // build session settings 
    let settings = SessionSettings::builder()

    // create a FIX engine and intiate TCP connection
    let (fix_handle, mut event_receiver) = FixApplicationInitiator::build(settings)?

    // handle incoming messages in the background...
    tokio::spawn(async move {
        while let Some(msg) = event_receiver.recv().await {
            println!("got an application message: {}", msg);

    // start the FIX connection

    // send messages here...

    // end the FIX connection


§Synchronous API*

use forgefix::{
    SessionSettings, FixApplicationHandle, FixApplicationInitiator, ApplicationError,

fn main() -> Result<(), ApplicationError> {

    let settings = SessionSettings::builder()

    let (fix_handle, mut event_receiver) = FixApplicationInitiator::build(settings)?

    std::thread::spawn(move || {
        while let Some(msg) = event_receiver.blocking_recv() {
            println!("got an application message: {}", msg); 


    // send messages here...


*When using synchronous API, a tokio runtime is still created internally (see FixApplicationInitiator)


