Module forester::vec2d[][src]

A row-major contiguous two-dimensional array type, written Vec2D<T>.

Vec2D implements indexing by a tuple (row, col) to get a single item, or by a scalar to get the slice of a row. Iteration is implemented over rows.


Create an empty [Vec2D<T>] with [new]:

let x: Vec2D<i32> = Vec2D::new();

Or by taking ownership of a Vec<T> and specifying the number of columns:

let x = Vec2D::from_vec(vec![11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 26], 2);

Or by copying data from a slice:

let x = Vec2D::from_slice(&[11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32], 3);

Note: The length of the vector/slice must be an integer multiple of the number of columns.



A row-major contiguous two-dimensional array.