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Ever got frustrated when you realize that the for loop you were writing…

fn foo(mut iter: impl Iterator<Item=i32>) {
    for i in iter {
        // do something...
        if i == 42 {
            // ughh

…needs to repeat the current iteration in some cases?
You may though: “Oh come on now I need to think on how to rewrite this into a while loop!”

Fear not! Cause we’ve got


Import for_each_repeat::ForEachRepeat and put your for loop’s body into a closure, that has to return LoopControl type. Using Repeat you are able to redo current iteration with the same iterator value.

use for_each_repeat::{ForEachRepeat, LoopControl};

fn foo(mut iter: impl Iterator<Item=i32>) {
    let _: Option<()> = iter.for_each_repeat(|i| {
        // do something...
        if i == 42 {
            // process it...
            return LoopControl::Repeat(i);


This crate can be used in no_std environment.


Used to emulate the keywords’ behavior inside the closure passed to ForEachRepeat::for_each_repeat.


Consumes the iterator by calling the closure on each element, the next iteration is controlled by returned LoopControl variant.