[][src]Function fmlrc::read_correction::correction_pass

pub fn correction_pass(
    bwt: &BitVectorBWT,
    seq_i: &[u8],
    params: &CorrectionParameters,
    kmer_size: usize
) -> Vec<u8>

This is the core correction function. It takes a BWT, a sequence, parameters, and a k-mer size and performs the following high level steps: calculate expected k-mer counts, identify gaps, bridge/extend from solid k-mers, and finally build the corrected sequence.


  • bwt - the BitVectorBWT that contains all the implicit k-mer counts
  • seq_i - the sequence to correct in integer form
  • params - the correction parameters to use
  • kmer_size - the length of k-mer (i.e. k) to use for this pass