Module fluvio_sc_schema::store[][src]


simple memory based metadata


Filter for metadata change

listen for changes local store

Keep track of internal changes to object Track 3 different changes (spec,status,meta)

Epoch Map with separate mapping

Keep track of changes to object using epoch for every changes to objects, epoch counter must be incremented

use epoch counter for every value in the hashmap if value are deleted, it is moved to thrash can (deleted) using epoch counter, level changes can be calculated

Idempotent local memory cache of meta objects. There are only 2 write operations are permitted: sync and apply changes which are idempotent. For read, read guards are provided which provide hash map API using deref.
Hash values are wrapped in EpochCounter. EpochCounter is also deref. Using async lock to ensure read/write are thread safe.

inefficient but simple concurrent hashmap this should be only used in a test it locks for every write




Type Definitions