macro_rules! flutter_logger_init {
    ($func_name: ident,$min_lvl: path) => { ... };
    ($func_name: ident) => { ... };
    ($min_lvl: path) => { ... };
    () => { ... };
Expand description

calling the macro without args creates init function setup_log_stream with LeveFilter::Debug. You can also specify function name and LevelFilter (or only one). The macro can only be called once because of conflicting implementations

flutter_logger::flutter_logger_init!(); // default
flutter_logger::flutter_logger_init!(LeveFilter::Trace); // sepcify level
flutter_logger::flutter_logger_init!(logger_init); // sepcify name
flutter_logger::flutter_logger_init!(info_logger, LevelFilter::Info); // sepcify both