[][src]Function fluidlite_sys::fluid_synth_process

pub unsafe extern "C" fn fluid_synth_process(
    synth: *mut fluid_synth_t,
    len: c_int,
    nin: c_int,
    in_: *mut *mut f32,
    nout: c_int,
    out: *mut *mut f32
) -> c_int

Generate a number of samples. This function implements the default interface defined in fluidsynth/audio.h. This function ignores the input buffers and expects at least two output buffer.

\param synth The synthesizer \param len The number of samples to generate \param nin The number of input buffers \param in The array of input buffers \param nout The number of output buffers \param out The array of output buffers \returns 0 if no error occured, non-zero otherwise