Expand description

This library provides an online algorithm to fit streaming data into a set of balls.

The algorithm needs two functions that can be customized :

  • a function that computes the square of the distance between two points,
  • a function that computes the weighted center of two points.

Theese functions are used to construct the Algo and Model structs, that respectively represent the algorithm and the set of balls model. Each ball is described by its center, radius and weight (the decayed number of points that were included in the ball).

use fluent_data::{Model, Algo, space};

fn get_algo_model() -> (Model<Vec<f64>>, Algo<Vec<f64>>) {
    let algo = Algo::new(space::euclid_dist, space::real_combine);
    let model = Model::new(space::euclid_dist);
    (model, algo)

The Streamer enlessly consumes data points and produce models. It needs:

  • a point iterator that produces points consumed by the streamer,
  • a write closure that consumes models produced by the streamer.

The streamer::stdio function builds an iterator that reads standard input and a write closure that writes to standard input.

use std::error::Error;
use fluent_data::{streamer, Streamer};

fn get_streamer() -> Streamer<
    impl Iterator<Item = Result<String, Box<dyn Error>>>,
    impl FnMut(String) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>,
    let (points, write) = streamer::stdio();
    Streamer::new(points, write)

In the example below the Streamer::run method runs the algorithm and fit the model continuously, consuming data points from standard input and producing models to standard output.

use std::{error::Error};

use fluent_data::{Algo, Model, Streamer};
use fluent_data::{ space, streamer};

fn main() {
    let (algo, mut model) = get_algo_model();
    let streamer = get_streamer();
    Streamer::run(streamer, algo, &mut model).unwrap();

fn get_algo_model() -> (Algo<Vec<f64>>, Model<Vec<f64>>) {
    let algo = Algo::new(space::euclid_dist, space::real_combine);
    let model = Model::new(space::euclid_dist);
    (algo, model)

fn get_streamer() -> Streamer<
    impl Iterator<Item = Result<String, Box<dyn Error>>>,
    impl FnMut(String) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>
> {
    let (points, write) = streamer::stdio();
    let streamer = Streamer::new(points, write);

Alternatively, the library provides a backend that receive data points from websockets and send models to websockets. Just replace the point iterator and the model write closure when building the streamer: use those provided by the service::backend method.

use std::error::Error;
use fluent_data::{service, Streamer};

fn get_streamer() -> Streamer<
    impl Iterator<Item = Result<String, Box<dyn Error>>>,
    impl FnMut(String) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>,
    let (points, write) = service::backend();
    Streamer::new(points, write)


The algorithm can use other square distance than the Euclidean square distance. You’ll have to write your own square distance function and create Algo and Model structs:

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::Result;
use fluent_data::{Model, Algo, space};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
struct Point {

/// Return the square of the distance between p1 and p2
fn distance(p1: &Point, p2: &Point) -> f64 {

/// Return the weighted center of p1 x w1 and p2 x w2
fn combine(p1: &Point, w1: f64, p2: &Point, w2: f64) -> Point {

fn get_algo_model() -> (Algo<Point>, Model<Point>) {
    let algo = Algo::new(distance, combine);
    let model = Model::new(distance);
    (algo, model)

You can also modify the way data points are received and models are sent by writing your own itertor and write closure (or function):

use std::error::Error;
use fluent_data::{service, Streamer};

/// Produce data points
struct PointIterator {

impl Iterator for PointIterator {
    type Item = Result<String, Box<dyn Error>>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

/// Send models
fn write_model(model: String) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {

fn get_streamer() -> Streamer<
    impl Iterator<Item = Result<String, Box<dyn Error>>>,
    impl FnMut(String) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>,
    Streamer::new(PointIterator{}, write_model)

Loading an existing model

The generated models could be saved to a persistent store by writing a custom write closure or decorating an existing one (see section above). A saved model may be loaded at system startup thanks to Model::load.

use fluent_data::{Model, Algo, space, model::Ball};
use fluent_data::{service, Streamer};
use std::error::Error;

fn get_algo_model(data: Vec<Ball<Vec<f64>>>) -> (Model<Vec<f64>>, Algo<Vec<f64>>) {
    let algo = Algo::new(space::euclid_dist, space::real_combine);
    let model = Model::load(space::euclid_dist, data);
    (model, algo)

fn get_streamer() -> Streamer<
    impl Iterator<Item = Result<String, Box<dyn Error>>>,
    impl FnMut(String) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>,
    let (points, mut write) = service::backend();
    let decorated_write = move |model| {
        // save model to persistent store
    Streamer::new(points, decorated_write)

Binary executable

An executable program is also provided by this crate:

  • fluent_data
    • reads R^n points from standard input and writes models to standard output,
  • fluent_data --service
    • starts a server, receives R^n points from websockets and dispatch models to websockets,
  • fluent_data --help
    • display the executable usage documentation.

See the project README on crates.io for more information.


pub use algorithm::Algo;
pub use model::Model;
pub use streamer::Streamer;


The Algo struct implements the algorithm that fits a set of balls model from data point streams.

The Model struct represents the set of balls model.

This module defines the neighborhood of some point in space.

A backend that receives data points from websockets and dispatches models to websockets.

This module defines the necessary functions to run the algorithm for data points that belong to R^n.

The Streamer continuously consumes data points and produces models.