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Dialog widgets


FLTK’s own FileChooser. Which differs for the Native FileDialog Example:
The types of FileChooser
FLTK’s NativeFileChooser
Creates a help dialog


Defines the type of beep to be passed to the beep function
Color modes to be used with the color chooser
Defines the File dialog options, which can be set using the set_option() method.
Defines the type of dialog, which can be changed dynamically using the set_type() method


Displays an alert box
Displays an alert box, the dialog is positioned at the pointer hotspot
Emits a beep
Displays a choice box with up to three choices. Choosing a value returns its index from the arguments
Displays a choice box with up to three choices. Closing the dialog returns None. Choosing a value returns its index from the arguments.
Displays a choice box with up to three choices. An empty choice will not be shown. Closing the dialog returns None. Choosing a value returns its index from the arguments. The dialog is positioned at the pointer hotspot
Displays a choice box with up to three choices. The dialog is positioned at the pointer hotspot
Spawns a color chooser dialog.
Spawns a color chooser dialog.
Shows a directory chooser returning a String
Shows a file chooser returning a String. The pattern field takes the same argument the FileChooser::set_filter method. Example:
Displays an input box, which returns the inputted string. Can be used for gui io
Displays an input box, which returns the inputted string. Can be used for gui io. The dialog is positioned at the pointer hotspot
Displays a message box
Displays a message box, the dialog is positioned at the pointer hotspot
Get whether hotspot is enabled for FLTK’s dialog boxes
Get the frame holding the icon of FLTK’s dialog boxes
Set the next dialog’s icon label
Set the font and font size of FLTK’s dialog boxes
Set whether hotspot is enabled for FLTK’s dialog boxes
Set the next dialog’s title
Set the default title for a dialog
Shows an input box, but with hidden string
Shows an input box, but with hidden string. The dialog is positioned at the pointer hotspot

Type Definitions

FLTK’s NativeFileChooser
Alias to NativeFileChooserOptions
Alias for NativeFileChooserType