pub unsafe extern "C" fn rfalNfcfPollerPoll(
    slots: rfalFeliCaPollSlots,
    sysCode: u16,
    reqCode: u8,
    cardList: *mut [u8; 20],
    devCnt: *mut u8,
    collisions: *mut u8
) -> u16
Expand description

\brief NFC-F Poller Poll

This function sends to all PICCs in field the POLL command with the given number of slots.

\param[in] slots : the number of slots to be performed \param[in] sysCode : as given in FeliCa poll command \param[in] reqCode : FeliCa communication parameters \param[out] cardList : Parameter of type rfalFeliCaPollRes which will hold the cards found \param[out] devCnt : actual number of cards found \param[out] collisions : number of collisions encountered

\warning the list cardList has to be as big as the number of slots for the Poll

\return ERR_WRONG_STATE : RFAL not initialized or incorrect mode \return ERR_PARAM : Invalid parameters \return ERR_IO : Generic internal error \return ERR_CRC : CRC error detected \return ERR_FRAMING : Framing error detected \return ERR_PROTO : Protocol error detected \return ERR_TIMEOUT : Timeout error, no listener device detected \return ERR_NONE : No error and some NFC-F device was detected