var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["flexi_config"] = {"doc":"","items":[[3,"Issues","flexi_config","Simple structure to return the set of warnings and errors encountered when loading a\nconfiguration TOML file.",null,null],[12,"errors","","the list of errors that will keep the file from being loaded.",0,null],[12,"warnings","","The list of warnings that will keep the file from being loaded.",0,null],[3,"FlexiConfig","","",null,null],[12,"project","","Defines the list of modules the application depends on.",1,null],[12,"dependencies","","Defines the list of modules the application depends on and what priority their log\nmessages are at.",1,null],[12,"target","","Defines where the log messages should be written to, files or stderr? By default this is\nset to stderr.",1,null],[12,"stderr_format","","Defines the log format when writing to stderr. By default this will use the flexi_logger\ndefault format.",1,null],[12,"disk_format","","Defines the log format when writing to a file. By default this will use the flexi_logger\ndetailed format.",1,null],[12,"disk_dir","","If logging to a file is enabled, this sets the directory to write to. By default (None)\nit will write to the current directory.",1,null],[12,"disk_dup_err","","When logging to a file, flexi_logger can duplicate any error messages to stdout. The\ndefault is to duplicate the error messages.",1,null],[12,"disk_dup_info","","When logging to a file, flexi_logger can duplicate any info messages to stdout. The\ndefault is to not duplicate the messages.",1,null],[12,"disk_filename_ext","","The extension for the log file. By default this is "log".",1,null],[12,"disk_filename_time","","Flag to tell flexi_logger to include the timestamp when a log file is created. This is set\nto true by default. If the file_limit_size is set however this value will be ignored.",1,null],[12,"disk_file_size","","If set, limits the size of the log file in megabytes. When this size is reached a new\nfile is created. If this value is set the log files will have a sequence number rather\nthan a time stamp.",1,null],[12,"disk_filename_suffix","","Adds a suffix to the log file names after the program name.",1,null],[12,"app_priority","","Sets the lowest priority to report for you application. The default priority is Warn.",1,null],[12,"issues","","If the object was loaded from a TOML configuration file, this object will contain any\nissues encountered while loading the file.",1,null],[4,"LogFormat","","Enumeration to choose the format to log messages in.",null,null],[13,"Default","","Chooses the flexi_logger default format which would look like:",2,null],[13,"Detailed","","Chooses the flexi_logger detailed format which would look like:",2,null],[13,"Opt","","Chooses the flexi_logger optional format which would look like:",2,null],[13,"Custom","","Provides a custom log string.",2,null],[13,"CustomStr","","Provides a custom log string.",2,null],[4,"Priority","","An enumeration to identify the lowest level of log message to output.",null,null],[13,"Error","","Used for reporting very serious errors, this is the highest level",3,null],[13,"Warn","","Used for reporting hazardous situations, includes the Error level as well.",3,null],[13,"Info","","Used for reporting useful information, includes the Warn and Error levels as well.",3,null],[13,"Debug","","Used for reporting low priority information, includes the Info, Warn, and Error levels as\nwell.",3,null],[13,"Trace","","Used for reporting very low priority information, includes the Debug, Info, Warn, and\nError levels as well.",3,null],[4,"Target","","Enumeration used to identify where the log messages should be written to.",null,null],[13,"StdErr","","Write the log messages to standard error.",4,null],[13,"Disk","","Write the log messages to disk.",4,null],[11,"clone","","",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",0,null],[11,"new","","Constructs a new instance of the object.",0,{"inputs":[],"output":{"name":"issues"}}],[11,"single","","Constructs a new instance of the object and populates the error with an initial issue.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"string"}],"output":{"name":"issues"}}],[11,"has_errors","","Helper function that checks the length of errors and returns true if it's greater than 0.",0,null],[11,"has_warnings","","Helper function that checks the length of warnings and returns true if it's greater than 0.",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",2,null],[11,"decode","","Decodes a string value into the numeration value. This is use in conjunction with\nencode().",2,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"option"}}],[11,"encode","","Converts the enumeration value into a string so it can be saved. Used in conjunction with\ndecode().",2,null],[11,"has_error","","Checks if the format has an error. If there are no errors returns None, otherwise returns\nthe error. If the format is a predefined format then the answer is always None.",2,null],[11,"format_function","","Returns the log format function that should be used to format the log messages.",2,null],[11,"eq","","Performs an equality comparison that treams Custom and CustomStr the same if the strings\nare equivalent.",2,null],[11,"clone","","Clones the object converting a CustomStr into a Custom if necessary.",2,null],[11,"fmt","","",3,null],[11,"eq","","",3,null],[11,"clone","","",3,null],[11,"decode","","Decodes a string value into the enumeration value. This is used in conjuction with\nencode().",3,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"option"}}],[11,"encode","","Converts the enumeration value into a string so it can be saved. Used in conjunction with\ndecode().",3,null],[11,"eq","","",4,null],[11,"clone","","",4,null],[11,"fmt","","",4,null],[11,"decode","","Decodes a string value into the enumeration value. This is used in conjuction with\nencode().",4,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"option"}}],[11,"encode","","Converts the enumeration value into a string so it can be saved. Used in conjunction with\ndecode().",4,null],[11,"from_cargo_file","","Construct a new object from a Cargo.toml file located on disk.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"p"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"from_cargo","","Construct a new object from a Cargo.toml file located in memory.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"from_toml","","Construct an instance of FlexiConfig by parsing a TOML data structure.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"table"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"from_toml_string","","Construct an instance of FlexiConfig by parsing a TOML file in a string.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"from_toml_file","","Construct an instance of FlexiConfig by reading a TOML configuration file from disk.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"p"}],"output":{"name":"result"}}],[11,"to_toml_string","","Destroys the object and creates the config TOML file in a string.",1,null],[11,"to_toml_file","","Destroys the object and saves the TOML config file on disk.",1,null],[11,"project","","Convenience method to set the project.",1,null],[11,"dependencies","","Convenience method to set the list of dependencies.",1,null],[11,"all_dependencies","","Set the priority for all dependencies to the same value.",1,null],[11,"target","","Convenience method to set the target.",1,null],[11,"stderr_format","","Convenience method to set the stderr log format.",1,null],[11,"disk_format","","Convenience method to set the file log format.",1,null],[11,"disk_dir","","Convenience method to set the log directory.",1,null],[11,"disk_dup_err","","Convenience method to set the duplicate error flag.",1,null],[11,"disk_dup_info","","Convenience method to set the duplicate info flag.",1,null],[11,"disk_filename_ext","","Convenience method to set the extension for the log files.",1,null],[11,"disk_filename_time","","Convenience method to enable/disable a timestamp in the log file names.",1,null],[11,"disk_file_size","","Convenience method to set the file size limit.",1,null],[11,"disk_filename_suffix","","Convenience method to set the log file name suffix.",1,null],[11,"app_priority","","Convenience method to set the level for logging messages from the application.",1,null],[11,"clone","","",1,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"new","","Common structor that creates a FlexiConfig object with the default values.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"str"},{"name":"btreemap"}],"output":{"name":"flexiconfig"}}],[11,"apply","","Apply the configuration to flexi_logger;",1,null]],"paths":[[3,"Issues"],[3,"FlexiConfig"],[4,"LogFormat"],[4,"Priority"],[4,"Target"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);