[][src]Function flann_sys::flann_build_index

pub unsafe extern "C" fn flann_build_index(
    dataset: *mut f32,
    rows: c_int,
    cols: c_int,
    speedup: *mut f32,
    flann_params: *mut FLANNParameters
) -> flann_index_t

Builds and returns an index. It uses autotuning if the target_precision field of index_params is between 0 and 1, or the parameters specified if it's -1.

Params: dataset = pointer to a data set stored in row major order rows = number of rows (features) in the dataset cols = number of columns in the dataset (feature dimensionality) speedup = speedup over linear search, estimated if using autotuning, output parameter index_params = index related parameters flann_params = generic flann parameters

Returns: the newly created index or a number <0 for error