[][src]Crate flag_algebra

A generic implementation of flag algebras.

Flag algebras is a framework used to produce computer-assisted proofs of some inequalities in combinatorics, relying on Semi-Definite Programming.


 // Proving that in any graph, at least 1/4 of the triples
 // are triangles or independent sets.
extern crate flag_algebra;

use flag_algebra::*;
use flag_algebra::flags::Graph;

pub fn main() {
    // Work on the graphs of size 3.
    let basis = Basis::new(3);

    // Define useful flags.
    let k3 = flag(&Graph::new(3, &[(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0)])); // Triangle
    let e3 = flag(&Graph::new(3, &[])); // Independent set of size 3

    // Definition of the optimization problem.
    let pb = Problem::<i64, _> {
        // Constraints
        ineqs: vec![total_sum_is_one(basis), flags_are_nonnegative(basis)],
        // Use all relevant Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities.
        cs: basis.all_cs(),
        // Minimize density of triangle plus density of independent of size 3.
        obj: k3 + e3,

    // Write the correspondind SDP program in "goodman.sdpa".
    // This program can then be solved by CSDP. The answer would be 0.25.


This library can currently do the following.

  • Generate list of flags from scratch.
  • Generate flag algebra operators and memoize them in files.
  • Compute in the flag algebra (multiplication, unlabeling) and add user-defined vectors.
  • Define, manipulate or amplify flag inequalities (for instance by multiplying an inequality by all flags).
  • Write problem in .spda format or directly run the CSDP solver.
  • Automatically eliminate unnecessary constraints (in a naive way).
  • It is generic: defining new specific class/subclass of flags boils down to implementing a Rust Trait.
  • Output flags, problems or certificates as html pages in (hopefully) human-readable format (provided that it has a reasonnable size).

Supported flags

This library is generic. To use a kind combinatorial objects as flags (e.g. graphs), it suffices to implement the Flag trait for the corresponding Rust datatype.

Currently, Flag is implemented for Graphs, Digraphs and edge-colored graphs with some fixed number of colors.

Beside implementing directly Flag for your own types, two mechanisms help to define flag classes based on an existing flag class F.

  • The Colored structure for defining vertex-colored flags. If N is an integer identifier, Colored<F, N> is the type for flags of type F where the vertices are further colored in N different colors. Colored<F, N> automatically implement Flag when F does.
  • The Subclass structure and the SubFlag for classes that are subsets of already defined classes. This is usefull for instance for computing in triangle-free graphs flag algebra without considering other graphs.


pub use crate::operator::Basis;
pub use crate::operator::Savable;
pub use crate::operator::Type;
pub use crate::report::Html;
pub use crate::sdp::Problem;



Computing coefficients of a flag algebra operator.


Expression of computations in the flag algebra for prettyprinting.


Implementations of flags.


Computing and stocking operators of the flag algebra.


Create and manipulate semi-definite problems.




A higher level object to try several selectors on a problem


A set of bounds on elements of a flag algebra.


Contains the vector and the bound of one inequality in a flag algebra. This inequality has the form self.flag ≥ self.bound. Expression recording how the left sides where constructed.


Contains informations about a set of inequalities of a flag algebra.


An element of a flag algebra.


A wrapper type for flags from a sub-class of flags.



Trait for combinatorial objects that can be used as flags.


Trait for defining a class of flag as a subset of an already defined class of flag.



Return the vector corresponding to the unlabeled flag f.


Return the vector corresponding to the flag f with type_size labeled vertices.


Return the inequalities expressing that the flags of basis are larger than zero.


Initialize the logs to be outputted to the console with detailed information.


Initialize the logs to be outputted to the console.


Return the inequalities expressing that the sum of the flags of basis is equal to one.