[][src]Function flac_sys::FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata

pub unsafe extern "C" fn FLAC__stream_decoder_process_until_end_of_metadata(
    decoder: *mut FLAC__StreamDecoder
) -> FLAC__bool

Decode until the end of the metadata. This version instructs the decoder to decode from the current position and continue until all the metadata has been read, or until the callbacks return a fatal error or the read callback returns \c FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_READ_STATUS_END_OF_STREAM.

As the decoder needs more input it will call the read callback. As each metadata block is decoded, the metadata callback will be called with the decoded metadata.

\param decoder An initialized decoder instance. \assert \code decoder != NULL \endcode \retval FLAC__bool \c false if any fatal read, write, or memory allocation error occurred (meaning decoding must stop), else \c true; for more information about the decoder, check the decoder state with FLAC__stream_decoder_get_state().