[][src]Function flac_sys::FLAC__metadata_iterator_get_block

pub unsafe extern "C" fn FLAC__metadata_iterator_get_block(
    iterator: *mut FLAC__Metadata_Iterator
) -> *mut FLAC__StreamMetadata

Get the metadata block at the current position. You can modify the block in place but must write the chain before the changes are reflected to the FLAC file. You do not need to call FLAC__metadata_iterator_set_block() to reflect the changes; the pointer returned by FLAC__metadata_iterator_get_block() points directly into the chain.

\warning Do not call FLAC__metadata_object_delete() on the returned object; to delete a block use FLAC__metadata_iterator_delete_block().

\param iterator A pointer to an existing initialized iterator. \assert \code iterator != NULL \endcode \a iterator has been successfully initialized with FLAC__metadata_iterator_init() \retval FLAC__StreamMetadata* The current metadata block.