Crate fjall

Expand description

Fjall is an LSM-based embeddable key-value storage engine written in Rust. It features:

  • Thread-safe BTreeMap-like API
  • 100% safe & stable Rust
  • Range & prefix searching with forward and reverse iteration
  • Cross-partition snapshots (MVCC)
  • Automatic background maintenance
  • Single-writer transactions (optional)
  • Key-value separation for large blob use cases (optional)

Each Keyspace is a single logical database and is split into partitions (a.k.a. column families) - you should probably only use a single keyspace for your application. Each partition is physically a single LSM-tree and its own logical collection; however, write operations across partitions are atomic as they are persisted in a single database-level journal, which will be recovered after a crash.

It is not:

  • a standalone server
  • a relational database
  • a wide-column database: it has no notion of columns

Keys are limited to 65536 bytes, values are limited to 2^32 bytes. As is normal with any kind of storage engine, larger keys and values have a bigger performance impact.

For the underlying LSM-tree implementation, see:

use fjall::{Config, PersistMode, Keyspace, PartitionCreateOptions};

let keyspace = Config::new(folder).open()?;

// Each partition is its own physical LSM-tree
let items = keyspace.open_partition("my_items", PartitionCreateOptions::default())?;

// Write some data
items.insert("a", "hello")?;

// And retrieve it
let bytes = items.get("a")?;

// Or remove it again

// Search by prefix
for kv in items.prefix("prefix") {
  // ...

// Search by range
for kv in items.range("a"..="z") {
  // ...

// Iterators implement DoubleEndedIterator, so you can search backwards, too!
for kv in items.prefix("prefix").rev() {
  // ...

// Sync the journal to disk to make sure data is definitely durable
// When the keyspace is dropped, it will try to persist



  • An atomic write batch
  • Blob cache, in which blobs are cached in-memory after being retrieved from disk
  • Block cache, in which blocks are cached in-memory after being retrieved from disk
  • Global keyspace configuration
  • A keyspace is a single logical database which can house multiple partitions
  • Configuration options for key-value-separated partitions.
  • Options to configure a partition
  • Access to a keyspace partition
  • A cross-partition, read-only transaction (snapshot)
  • An immutable byte slice that can be cloned without additional heap allocation
  • A snapshot captures a read-only point-in-time view of the tree at the time the snapshot was created
  • Transaction keyspace
  • Access to a partition of a transactional keyspace
  • A single-writer (serialized) cross-partition transaction



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