Crate fixedvec [] [src]

Heapless Vec implementation using only libcore

When developing for certain types of systems, especially embedded systems, it is desirable to avoid the non-determinism that can be introduced by using a heap. A commonly used data structure is a "buffer" - a preallocated chunk of memory, either in static memory or on the stack.

Thanks to the extensibility of Rust, it is possible to have a datatype that performs almost like the libstd Vec type, without requiring a heap and while only using libcore.

Differences from std::vec::Vec

For now, FixedVec only works for types that implement Copy. This requirement will be lifted in the future, but for now it is the most straightforward way to get to a minimum viable product.

Although every effort has been made to mimic the functionality of Vec, this is not a perfect clone. Specifically, functions that require memory allocation are not included. There are also a few functions where the type signatures are different - usually to add a Result that indicates whether or not adding an element was successful.

Note that the Vec functionality of panicking when an invalid index is accessed has been preserved. Note that this is true even if the index is valid for the underlying memory. So, for example, if a FixedVec were allocated with 10 elements, and 3 new elements were pushed to it, accessing index 5 would panic, even though accessing that memory would be safe.

Functions with different signatures

The following functions have different signatures than their equivalents in Vec.

  • new: Self-explanatory - instantiating a different object
  • push, push_all, insert: Functions that add elements return a Result indicating if the result was successful.
  • map_in_place: Similar to Vec map_in_place, except there is no coercion of the types.

Functions in FixedVec not in Vec

  • available: Convenience function for checking remaining space.
  • iter: FixedVec cannot implement IntoIterator because the type signature of that trait requires taking ownership of the underlying struct. Since FixedVec keeps a reference to its backing store, ownership is not its to give. It's possible I'm just being dense and this is possible - I'd love to be proven wrong.

Functions in Vec excluded from FixedVec

The following Vec functions do not exist in FixedVec because they deal with allocating or reserving memory - a step that is done up-front in FixedVec.

  • with_capacity
  • from_raw_parts
  • from_raw_buffer
  • reserve
  • reserve_exact
  • shrink_to_fit
  • into_boxed_slice
  • truncate
  • set_len
  • append
  • drain
  • split_off


Typical usage looks like the following:

extern crate core;

#[macro_use] extern crate fixedvec;

use fixedvec::FixedVec;

fn main() {
    let mut preallocated_space = alloc_stack!([u8; 10]);
    let mut vec = FixedVec::new(&mut preallocated_space);
    assert_eq!(vec.len(), 0);

    vec.push_all(&[1, 2, 3]).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(vec.len(), 3);
    assert_eq!(vec[1], 2);

    vec[1] = 5;
    assert_eq!(vec[1], 5);



Convenience macro for use with FixedVec. Allocates the specified number of elements of specified type on the stack.



Immutable slice iterator


Mutable slice iterator.



Type Definitions
