fints-institute-db 0.2.4

A library and CLI tool to access FinTS access information for many German banks
fints-institute-db-0.2.4 doesn't have any documentation.


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This is a simple crate providing a convenient and safe interface to FinTS information of German banks. During the build it will download a CSV file with all the banks which it will then put into the library itself so that no extra files have to be taken care of.


Put this into your Cargo.toml:

fints_institute_db = "0.2"

Then to use it:

extern crate fints_institute_db;
use fints_institute_db::get_bank_by_bank_code;

let bank = get_bank_by_bank_code("12070000");
println!("{:?}", bank.pin_tan_url);

Command line utility

Additionally this crate includes a CLI tool for your convenience:

fints-institute-db 0.2.4
Sven-Hendrik Haase <>
Tool to query the FinTS database.

By default it will return just the FinTS URL for the first matching bank.

    cli [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <--iban <iban>|--bankcode <bank_code>>

    -a, --all        Print all banks as opposed to just the first matching one (implies --json)
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -j, --json       Change tool behavior to output all data for the record as JSON
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -b, --bankcode <bank_code>    Look up bank by German bank code (format: 12030000)
    -i, --iban <iban>             Look up bank by IBAN (format: DE02120300000000202051)

Example usages:

cargo run -- -b 12030000

cargo run -- -i DE02120300000000202051

This crate is inspired by and