pub fn dispatch_to_submachine<'a, 'b, 'c, TFsm, TSubMachine, Q, I, T>(
    ctx: &mut DispatchContext<'a, 'b, 'c, TFsm, Q, I, T>,
    ev: FsmEvent<<TSubMachine as FsmBackend>::Events, <TSubMachine as FsmBackend>::Timers>,
    inspect_event_ctx: &mut I
) -> FsmResult<()> where
    TFsm: FsmBackend,
    <TFsm as FsmBackend>::States: AsMut<TSubMachine>,
    <TFsm as FsmBackend>::Events: From<<TSubMachine as FsmBackend>::Events>,
    <TFsm as FsmBackend>::Timers: From<<TSubMachine as FsmBackend>::Timers>,
    TSubMachine: FsmBackend + DerefMut<Target = FsmBackendImpl<TSubMachine>>,
    Q: FsmEventQueue<TFsm>,
    I: Inspect,
    T: FsmTimers<TFsm>, 
Expand description

Used to funnel the event down to the sub-machine.