[][src]Module fin_model::symbol

Provides types and functions for market symbols.

In general the Symbol type is loosely defined, it is stored as a String but there is little standardization across markets and geographies concerning length or character set. To this end the function is_valid simply takes the commonly known limits and returns true/false, although this should probably be maybe true/false.

The macro assert_is_valid can be used by providers as it will do nothing if a symbol is valid but return a request::RequestResult if it is not.



Type for a qualified ticker symbol using the same format for the market and symbol itself.



Maximum length assuming a root length of 6 and a 2 character suffix.



is the symbol valid; currently only string lengths are checked.

Type Definitions


Type for a market ticker symbol. Consumers of symbols should use is_valid to ensure the value they are provided is at least syntactically correct.


Where a set of symbols are used together.