    // Attributes available to this derive:
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A derive macro for PartialOrd trait.

To automagically derive the trait for your type against a DesiredTypeName add the following attributes to it:

  • #[derive(EqFields, OrdFields)],
  • and #[destinations("DesiredTypeName")].

… and the macro will generate an implementations of PartialEq<DesiredTypeName> for you type then. Yes, EqFields is a prerequisite for OrdFields, the same as PartialEq is a prerequisite for PartialOrd.

You can add more than one type, like #[destinations("Type1", "Type2", ...)].

It is possible to use structs with fields with different types, the only requirement is that respective types should be comparable with the PartialEq trait.

#[macro_use(EqFields, OrdFields)]
extern crate fields_converter_derive;

struct ExternalType<'a, T> {
  field1: String,
  field2: T,
  field3: &'a str,

#[derive(EqFields, OrdFields, Debug)]
struct MyType<'a, T: PartialOrd> {
  field1: String,
  field2: T,
  field3: &'a str,

fn main() {
  let source = ExternalType {
    field1: "lol".into(),
    field2: 9907,
    field3: "testing",
  let mut my = MyType {
    field1: "lol".into(),
    field2: 9907,
    field3: "testing",
  assert_eq!(my, source);
  assert_eq!(source, my);
  assert!(!(my < source));
  assert!(!(my > source));
  assert!(!(source < my));
  assert!(!(source > my));
  my.field2 += 1;
  assert!(my > source);
  assert!(source < my);
  my.field1 = "a".into();
  assert!(my < source);
  assert!(source > my);