macro_rules! implement_into_ffi_by_json {
    ($($T:ty),* $(,)*) => { ... };
Expand description

Implements [IntoFfi] for the provided types (more than one may be passed in) by converting to the type to a JSON string. This macro also allows you to return Vec<T> for the types, also by serialization to JSON (by way of [IntoFfiJsonTag]).

This is typically going to be used from the “Rust component”, and not the “FFI component” (see the top level crate documentation for more information).

Note: Each type passed in must implement or derive serde::Serialize.


The [IntoFfi] implementation this macro generates may panic in the following cases:

  • You’ve passed a type that contains a Map that has non-string keys (which can’t be represented in JSON).

  • You’ve passed a type which has a custom serializer, and the custom serializer failed.

These cases are both rare enough that this still seems fine for the majority of uses.