Crate fervid_core

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  • Denotes the basic attributes or bindings of a DOM element As of directives, this only covers v-bind and v-on, because they bind something to DOM. v-model is not covered here because its code generation is not as trivial.
  • The type of a binding (or identifier) which is used to show where this binding came from, e.g. Data is for Options API data(), SetupRef if for refs and computeds in Composition API.
  • A binding of a component which was found in the template
  • A binding of a directive which was found in the template
  • A Node represents a part of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
  • From
  • Describes a type which can be either a static &str or a js Expr. This is mostly usable for dynamic binding scenarios.
  • Mode with which the template is attached to the exported SFC object.



Type Aliases§