Crate feroxfuzz

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FeroxFuzz is a structure-aware HTTP fuzzing library.

The primary goal in writing FeroxFuzz was to move some core pieces out of feroxbuster and into a place where they could be generally useful for other folks. In so doing, my hope is that anyone who wants to write web tooling and/or one-off web fuzzers in Rust, can do so with very little overhead.

FeroxFuzz’s overall design is derived from LibAFL. FeroxFuzz implements most of the components listed in the paper LibAFL: A Framework to Build Modular and Reusable Fuzzers. When FeroxFuzz deviates, it’s typically due to supporting async code.

Similar to LibAFL, FeroxFuzz is a composable fuzzing library. However, unlike LibAFL, FeroxFuzz is solely focused on black box HTTP fuzzing.


pub use metadata::AsAny;
pub use metadata::AsAnyMut;
pub use metadata::Metadata;


represents an action that should be performed, typically in response to some event
Asynchronous and blocking http client traits, with optional implementations using reqwest
Corpora modeled around how the test cases are generated, i.e. from a file/folder etc…
Use data from an Observer to make a decision about the supplied data
Custom error-type definitions
subscribable events for introspection into some of the more opaque parts of the fuzzer
Corpus based iterators of different flavors
fuzzable and static input data representations
Metadata trait definition for user-defined types that can be added to the SharedState ad-hoc
actions taken against Data that change the underlying bytes in some way
data gathering models that supply one or more Deciders with actionable information
small collection of widely used core types and traits
actions taken after all other processing is complete
provides the core Request type and the ShouldFuzz directives that dictate what parts of a Request should be mutated. Additionally, a URL Encoder is provided by default, while other encoders are available on an opt-in basis via feature flags
Asynchronous and blocking http response traits, with optional implementations using reqwest
scheduled access to corpus entries
fuzzer’s runtime state information
Statistics is the primary data container for all Request, Response, and Timed statistics


Wrapper Atomic*.fetch_add to save me from writing Ordering::SeqCst a bajillion times
Wrapper around Atomic*.load to save me from writing Ordering::SeqCst a bajillion times
Wrapper around Atomic*.store to save me from writing Ordering::SeqCst a bajillion times
Macro creating tuple list values from list of expressions.
Macro creating tuple list values from list of expressions.
Macro creating tuple list values from list of expressions.
Macro creating tuple list values from list of expressions.


simple trait to add a .as_bytes() equivalent to implementors
return reference to inner type
Trait providing conversion from tuple list into tuple.
convert wrapper into its inner type
simple trait to add a .len() equivalent to implementors
Match for a name and return the value
Trait providing conversion from tuple list into tuple.
We need fixed names for many parts of this lib.
Trait providing conversion from tuple list into tuple.
Trait providing conversion from tuple list into tuple.
Ways to get random around here. Please note that these are not cryptographically secure. Or, even if some might be by accident, at least they are not seeded in a cryptographically secure fashion.