Module feroxbuster::utils

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  • Helper to create the standard line for output to file/terminal
  • Simple helper to abstract away the check for an attached terminal.
  • simple wrapper to stay DRY
  • wrapper for make_request used to pass error/response codes to FeroxScans for per-scan stats tracking of information related to auto-tune/bail
  • Initiate request to the given Url using Client
  • Takes in a string and colors it using console::style
  • Given the path to a file, open the file in append mode (create it if it doesn’t exist) and return a reference to the buffered file
  • This function takes a url string and returns a url::Url
  • Attempts to set the soft limit for the RLIMIT_NOFILE resource
  • determines whether or not a given url should be denied based on the user-supplied –dont-scan flag
  • given a url and filename-suffix, return a unique filename comprised of the slugified url, current unix timestamp and suffix
  • Takes in a string and examines the first character to return a color version of the same string
  • Given a string and a reference to a locked buffered file, write the contents and flush the buffer to disk.