initSidebarItems({"enum":[["InitError","Error that may occur within init_global_logger()"],["LogError","Error that may occur within logging"]],"fn":[["init_global_logger","Initializes the global logger of the log crate with the specified log configuration. This will return an `InitError(log::SetLoggerError)` if the global logger has already been initialized."]],"struct":[["DispatchConfig","This is the base logger configuration in fern."],["NullLogger","A logger implementation which does nothing with logged messages."],["OutputConfig","This config struct contains various output options to send messages to."]],"trait":[["IntoLog","Trait which represents any logger configuration which can be built into a `fern::Logger` or `log::Log`."],["Logger","Basic fern logger trait. Something you can send messages to. We have a separate trait from log::Log, because we want errors to propagate upwards and only print in the outermost logger."]]});