pub unsafe extern "C" fn SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(
    proc_: *const c_char
) -> *mut c_void
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Get a GL function pointer for a given function name.

  • On Windows, all GL function pointers are technically context specific. You must have a current context before you call this. In practice the function pointers will be shared across contexts, but MSDN says that they’re allowed to be context specific.
  • On X11, the pointers work for any context, but you can also get non-null pointers that aren’t safe to call. If the function in question is not part of the core profile for the GL version of the active GL context, use SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported to check that the pointer will be valid.
  • You should generally use SDL_GL_ExtensionSupported for any extension you use. In some cases, a pointer for an extension function will be non-null but still invalid.
  • If you’re transmuting this output to a function pointer yourself: Remember that all GL functions mut use the extern "system" ABI.