pub unsafe extern "C" fn SDL_OpenAudioDevice(
    device: *const c_char,
    iscapture: c_int,
    desired: *const SDL_AudioSpec,
    obtained: *mut SDL_AudioSpec,
    allowed_changes: c_int
) -> SDL_AudioDeviceID
Expand description

Open a specific audio device.

Passing in a device name of NULL requests the most reasonable default (and is equivalent to calling SDL_OpenAudio).

The device name is a UTF-8 string reported by SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(), but some drivers allow arbitrary and driver-specific strings, such as a hostname/IP address for a remote audio server, or a filename in the disk audio driver.

Returns: 0 on error, a valid device ID that is >= 2 on success.

SDL_OpenAudio, unlike this function, always acts on device ID 1.