[][src]Function fermium::syswm::SDL_GetWindowWMInfo

pub unsafe extern "C" fn SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(
    window: *mut SDL_Window,
    info: *mut SDL_SysWMinfo
) -> SDL_bool

This function allows access to driver-dependent window information.

  • window The window about which information is being requested
  • info This structure must be initialized with the SDL version, and is then filled in with information about the given window.

Returns: SDL_TRUE if the function is implemented and the version member of the info struct is valid, SDL_FALSE otherwise.

You typically use this function like this:

let window = unimplemented!("make the window");
let mut info = SDL_SysWMinfo::default();
SDL_VERSION(&mut info.version);
if SDL_TRUE == unsafe { SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(window, &mut info) } {
  unimplemented!("now you have your info");