fedora-prime 0.1.0

Simple program to switch between igpu and dgpu
fedora-prime-0.1.0 is not a library.

Fedora prime

Simple program written in rust which manages xorg and modprobe config to switch between igpu and dgpu. It does that by adding or removing xorg config (/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-fedora-prime.conf) and modprobe file (/etc/modprobe.d/fedora-prime.conf).

This script is so simple that it should work on any distro, but if it isn't, then it's so short and simple that it can be ported in 10 minutes.



First you need to install rust toolchain:

rustup default stable

Now you can install the program:

cargo install fedora-prime

Make sure to have $HOME/.cargo/bin in your $PATH.


To change between cards run:

sudo fedora-prime switch [intel/nvidia]

If you switch to intel, disable dgpu with:

sudo fedora-prime disable-gpu

This step will be done automatically, but I want to do that without complicating code to much (for example adding systemd service), so I need to think how to do it.


Configuration file is /etc/fedora-prime.toml. Check config.example.toml to see example configuration.


This project is licensed under MIT License. See LICENSE file for details.