Function fdk_aac_sys::aacEncInfo

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn aacEncInfo(
    pInfo: *mut AACENC_InfoStruct
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\brief Acquire info about present encoder instance.

This function retrieves information of the encoder configuration. In addition to informative internal states, a configuration data block of the current encoder settings will be returned. The format is either Audio Specific Config in case of Raw Packets transport format or StreamMuxConfig in case of LOAS/LATM transport format. The configuration data block is binary coded as specified in ISO/IEC 14496-3 (MPEG-4 audio), to be used directly for MPEG-4 File Format or RFC3016 or RFC3640 applications.

\param hAacEncoder A valid AAC encoder handle. \param pInfo Pointer to AACENC_InfoStruct. Filled on return.

\return - AACENC_OK, on succes. - AACENC_INIT_ERROR, on failure.