[][src]Function fdk_aac_sys::aacDecoder_ConfigRaw

pub unsafe extern "C" fn aacDecoder_ConfigRaw(
    conf: *mut *mut UCHAR,
    length: *const UINT

\brief Explicitly configure the decoder by passing a raw AudioSpecificConfig (ASC) or a StreamMuxConfig (SMC), contained in a binary buffer. This is required for MPEG-4 and Raw Packets file format bitstreams as well as for LATM bitstreams with no in-band SMC. If the transport format is LATM with or without LOAS, configuration is assumed to be an SMC, for all other file formats an ASC.

\param self AAC decoder handle. \param conf Pointer to an unsigned char buffer containing the binary configuration buffer (either ASC or SMC). \param length Length of the configuration buffer in bytes. \return Error code.