Crate fdec[][src]

Expand description

The crate contains macros for generating fixed-size fixed-point numeric types that exactly fit your domain. The types are fully equipped for performing mathematical computations and are easy to use.

With a simple macro call you get a numeric type that:

  • has no representation errors in the range, defined by the type parameters,
  • supports arithmetic operations: +, -, *, /, %, <<, >>,
  • comes with mathematical functions: abs(), powi(), sqrt(),
  • has special values NaN and ±Infinity, and uses them instead of panicing,
  • provides basic mathematical constants,
  • seamlessly interacts with Rust’s primitive types,
  • converts values to/from byte arrays,
  • creates values and performs math operations on stack, avoiding heap allocations.

When to Use

You should probably give fdec a try if:

  • you need primitive types like i256 or i1408, which Rust doesn’t provide,
  • your business domain is not tolerant to representation errors that may add up during computations (like working with money in finance),
  • other libraries that provide decimal numbers are not fast enough for you when it comes to doing math,
  • you need to store lots of decimal numbers, and you’d prefer it to be memory-efficient,
  • you’re just curious to see how it works.

How to Use

Add the dependency on fdec to your Cargo.toml:

fdec = "0.3.1"

Import it at your crate’s root with the macro_use attribute:

extern crate fdec;

Add custom numeric types to your project by calling fdec* macros:

fdec64! {               // Use 64-bit units
    module bigdec,      // Put all the generated code into the `bigdec` module
    name BigDec,        // The name for the generated type
    length 5,           // 5 * 64-bit units = 320 bits to store numbers
    scale 50            // Use 50 decimal places


Here we define the Decimal structure that represents 160-bit numbers with 30 decimal places.

extern crate fdec;

fdec32! {            // Use 32-bit units
    module dec,      // Put all the generated code into the `dec` module
    name Decimal,    // Name the main struct `Decimal`
    length 5,        // 5 * 32-bit units = 160 bits to store numbers
    scale 30         // Use 30 decimal places

use dec::*;          // Bring the generated stuff to the scope

fn main() {
    // Use it
    let a = Decimal::one();
    let b = Decimal::from(14);
    let c = dec!(9);
    let result = a + 30 * (b / c).powi(3);
    println!("{} + 30 * ({} / {})^3 = {}", a, b, c, result);
    // 1 + 30 * (14 / 9)^3 = 113.92181069958847736625514403278

More examples come with the crate’s source code.

See the Number trait to find out what the generated types are capable of.


Generates a fixed-size fixed-point numeric type that uses u8’s as building blocks.

Generates a fixed-size fixed-point numeric type that uses u16’s as building blocks.

Generates a fixed-size fixed-point numeric type that uses u32’s as building blocks.

Generates a fixed-size fixed-point numeric type that uses u64’s as building blocks.


Represents errors that can be produces when byte arrays are converted to numbers.

Represents errors that can be produced when strings are parsed to numbers.


Trait that is implemented by all numeric types, generated by fdec.

Trait of types that can create values from other types with scaling.