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FBX DOM utils for FBX v7.4 or later.



FBX data has tree structure at low level. This low-level structure is represented by fbxcel::tree::v7400::Tree.

Some nodes in FBX (including geometries, bones, textures, etc) has directed acyclic graph structures. These are called “objects”.

Document type interprets low-level tree and provides access to high-level objects graph structure.

Node ID

Each node (in low-level tree structure) is assigned internal indentifier by fbxcel crate. This does not appear in source FBX data.

The node ID for low-level nodes are represented by fbxcel::tree::v7400::NodeId.

fbxcel_dom provides specialized node ID types for some types of nodes, including objects. (object::ObjectNodeId is one example of them.) They have dedicated node ID types, and they can be converted into low-level node ID.

Node handle

Node IDs cannot be used without the tree the node belongs to. Node handle is a struct which contains both a tree and a node ID.

The low-level node handles are represented by fbxcel::tree::v7400::NodeHandle.

fbxcel_dom provides specialized node handle types for some types of nodes, including objects. object::ObjectHandle is one example of them.


Many useful data are represented as objects in FBX data.

Some subsets of object types make tree structures, but the rules are not completely revealed, because FBX is proprietary format.

Sometimes users should see multiple connected objects to render 3D content.

For detail, see module documentation of object.


Data types.

Objects-related stuff.



FBX DOM load error.

FBX DOM loader.