Expand description

Objects-related stuff.


There are some data associated to objects.

Object metadata

Each object node has object metadata. A metadata consists of four elements:

Object ID

Each object has object ID, which is unique in the document.

Some objects have ID but have no corresponding nodes (in low-level tree). Usually they are safely ignorable.

This is represented by ObjectId, and can be retrieved by ObjectHandle::object_id().


Objects may have names. Note that the name can be empty string, and not guaranteed to be unique.

This can be retrieved by ObjectHandle::name().

Class and subclass

These are used to distinguish actual data type (usage) of the object.

It is not users’ business to know their mappings, so fbxcel_dom provides ObjectHandle::get_typed() to automatically cast the object handle to “usable” handle types.

However, fbxcel_dom is not perfect and would miss many mappings (because FBX is proprietary format, and specification is not open). If users want to use object types which are unsupported by fbxcel_dom, they can implement new object handle types by their own, and/or use lower-level APIs (such as ObjectHandle::source_objects(), ObjectHandle::destination_objects(), and fbxcel::tree APIs).

They can be retrieved by ObjectHandle::class() and ObjectHandle::subclass().

Object node ID

If an object has corresponding tree node, then the node ID for the object can be represented as “object node ID”.

This is represented by ObjectNodeId.

Object handle

Object node ID is not useful without the document the object belongs to. Object handle is a struct which contains a document and object identifiers (object ID and object node ID for the same object).

This is represented by ObjectHandle.


Deformer and SubDeformer object.

Geometry object.

Material object.

Model object.

NodeAttribute object.

Object properties and related stuff.

Document node.

Texture object.

Video object.


Object handle (or ID) for connected object.

Object handle.

Object ID.

Node ID of a object node.


Typed object handle.