Module fastnbt::ser

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This module contains a serde serializer for NBT data. This should be able to serialize most structures to NBT. Use to_bytes or to_writer. There are ‘with opts’ functions for more serialization control.

Some Rust structures have no sensible mapping to NBT data. These cases will result in an error (not a panic). If you find a case where you think there is a valid way to serialize it, please open an issue.

The examples directory contains some examples. The de module contains more information about (de)serialization.

§128 bit integers and UUIDs

UUIDs tend to be stored in NBT using 4-long IntArrays. When serializing i128 or u128, an IntArray of length 4 will be produced. This is stored as big endian i.e. the most significant bit (and int) is first.

§Root compound name

A valid NBT compound must have a name, including the root compound. For most Minecraft data this is simply the empty string. If you need to control the name of this root compound you can use to_bytes_with_opts and to_writer_with_opts. For example the unofficial schematic format:

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use fastnbt::{Value, ByteArray, SerOpts};

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "PascalCase")]
pub struct Schematic {
    blocks: ByteArray,
    data: ByteArray,
    tile_entities: Vec<Value>,
    entities: Vec<Value>,
    width: i16,
    height: i16,
    length: i16,
    materials: String,

let structure = todo!(); // make schematic
let bytes = fastnbt::to_bytes_with_opts(&structure, SerOpts::new().root_name("Schematic")).unwrap();
