Function fast_text::supervised[][src]

pub fn supervised(args: &HashMap<&str, &str>)

Interface for fastText's supervised learning algorithm.

Each line of input should have labels included as such:

__label__sauce __label__cheese How much does potato starch affect a cheese sauce recipe? __label__food-safety __label__acidity Dangerous pathogens capable of growing in acidic environments __label__cast-iron __label__stove How do I cover up the white spots on my cast iron stove?

Documentation from fastText:

The following arguments are mandatory: -input training file path -output output file path

The following arguments are optional: -verbose verbosity level [2]

The following arguments for the dictionary are optional: -minCount minimal number of word occurences [1] -minCountLabel minimal number of label occurences [0] -wordNgrams max length of word ngram [1] -bucket number of buckets [2000000] -minn min length of char ngram [0] -maxn max length of char ngram [0] -t sampling threshold [0.0001] -label labels prefix [label]

The following arguments for training are optional: -lr learning rate [0.1] -lrUpdateRate change the rate of updates for the learning rate [100] -dim size of word vectors [100] -ws size of the context window [5] -epoch number of epochs [5] -neg number of negatives sampled [5] -loss loss function {ns, hs, softmax} [softmax] -thread number of threads [12] -pretrainedVectors pretrained word vectors for supervised learning [] -saveOutput whether output params should be saved [0]

The following arguments for quantization are optional: -cutoff number of words and ngrams to retain [0] -retrain finetune embeddings if a cutoff is applied [0] -qnorm quantizing the norm separately [0] -qout quantizing the classifier [0] -dsub size of each sub-vector [2]