Function fang_oost::get_expectation_real_move[][src]

pub fn get_expectation_real_move<'a, 'b: 'a, S, U>(
    x_min: f64,
    x_max: f64,
    x_domain_iterator: S,
    discrete_cf: Vec<Complex<f64>>,
    vk: U
) -> impl IndexedParallelIterator<Item = GraphElement> + 'a where
    S: IndexedParallelIterator<Item = f64> + Sync + 'b,
    U: Fn(f64, f64, usize) -> f64 + Sync + Send + 'b, 
Expand description

Returns expectation over equal mesh in the real domain and consumes the discrete_cf vector. Useful when only need to use the discrete_cf once.


The “type” of the expectation is handled by the vk function. By “moving” the discrete_cf vector we don’t have to “collect” the results until later, potentially making consumption of this module more efficient.


extern crate num_complex;
extern crate fang_oost;
use num_complex::Complex;
extern crate rayon;
use rayon::prelude::*;
let mu = 2.0;
let sigma:f64 = 5.0;
let num_u = 256;
let num_x = 1024;
let x_min = -20.0;
let x_max = 25.0;
let x_domain=fang_oost::get_x_domain(num_x, x_min, x_max);
let norm_cf = |u:&Complex<f64>|(u*mu+0.5*u*u*sigma*sigma).exp();
let cf_discrete=fang_oost::get_discrete_cf(num_u, x_min, x_max, &norm_cf);
let result:Vec<fang_oost::GraphElement>=fang_oost::get_expectation_real_move(
    |u_im, x, k|{
        if k==0{x-x_min} else { ((x-x_min)*u_im).sin()/u_im}