initSidebarItems({"fn":[["convert","Converts an `Iterator>` into a `FailingIterator`."]],"struct":[["Chain","An iterator which yields the elements of one iterator followed by another."],["Cloned","An iterator which clones the elements of the underlying iterator."],["Convert","A fallible iterator that wraps a normal iterator over `Result`s."],["Enumerate","An iterator that yields the iteration count as well as the values of the underlying iterator."],["Fuse","An iterator that yields `Ok(None)` forever after the underlying iterator yields `Ok(None)` once."],["Map","An iterator which applies a transform to the elements of the underlying iterator."],["Peekable","An iterator which can look at the next element without consuming it."],["Rev","An iterator which yields elements of the underlying iterator in reverse order."],["Take","An iterator which yeilds a limited number of elements from the underlying iterator."]],"trait":[["DoubleEndedFallibleIterator","A fallible iterator able to yield elements from both ends."],["FallibleIterator","An `Iterator`-like trait that allows for calculation of items to fail."],["FromFallibleIterator",""],["IntoFallibleIterator","Conversion into a `FallibleIterator`."]]});