Module falcon::il

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Falcon Intermediate Language.

An Introduction

Falcon IL is a simple, expression-based, well-defined, semantically-accurate intermediate language for the analysis of Binary Programs.

  • Simple - Falcon IL has 21 expression types (including terminals), and 5 operation types, minimizing the work required to implement analyses.
  • Expression-based - Falcon IL operates over expressions, as opposed to a three-address form like REIL/RREIL.
  • Well-defined - Falcon IL is specified with rust’s enumerated types, leaving no ambiguity in the IL.
  • Semantically accurate - Falcon IL accurately captures the semantics of underlying architectures. This is mainly a function of the lifters. A divergence in the lifted semantics and the target architecture is a bug. This makes Falcon IL suitable for analyses which require precision in the semantics.


  • Falcon IL does not support floating point operations.

Position and Semantics

You should think of components of the Falcon IL as belonging to two groups:

  • Components which provide program semantics
  • Components which provide location within a binary.

The following components provide semantics:

  • Block
  • Constant
  • ControlFlowGraph
  • Edge
  • Expression
  • Operation
  • Scalar

The following components provide location within a binary:

  • Function
  • Instruction
  • ProgramLocation / FunctionLocation
  • RefProgramLocation / RefFunctionLocation
  • Program

While this construct may seem verbose at first, in practice it is not. There are several convenience functions which allow for quickly gathering the necessary information from different components of the IL, and the IL is easily iterable.

Components of the IL

Constant, and Scalar.

The terminals in Falcon IL are Constant and Scalar.

Constant is a valid, and Scalar is an identifier/variable.


Expressions implement basic arithemtic operations, comparison operations, and bit extension/truncation operations over the terminals Scalar and Constant

  • Terminals: Scalar, Constant.
  • Arithmetic: Add, Sub, Mul, Divu, Modu, Divs, Mods, And, Or, Xor, Shl, Shr.
  • Comparison: Cmpeq, Cmpneq, Cmplts, Cmpltu.
  • Extension: Zext, Sext, Trun.
  • Ternary: Ite

Comparison expressions evaluate to a 1-bit expression with the value 1 representing True, and the value 0 representing False.

It is an error to create an expresison which operates over expressions of differing bitness. This is checked dynamically at runtime, and a Sort error wil be emitted if expressions have operands of differing bitness. It is a bug if a lifter generates an expression with operands of differing bitness. Zext, Sext, and Trun should be used to ensure expressions are of the same bitness.


An Operation applies a transformation over some state. There are five types of Operation in Falcon:

  • Assign: Assigns an Expression to a Scalar.
  • Store: Stores an Expression indexed by an Expression. The size of the store will be determined by the size of the expression being stored.
  • Load: Loads an Expression indexed by an Expression, and places the result into a Scalar. The size of the load will be determined by the size of the Scalar being loaded into.
  • Branch: Branch to the address in the given Expression.
  • Intrinsic: The Intrinsic operation is used when a Falcon lifter cannot capture the semantics of a lifted instruction. Dealing with intrinsic instructions is left to the user.
  • Nop: The nop instruction is used to provide an instruction, which has a location, when no operation needs take place at that location. For example, Intra-precedural direct branches lifted as edges in the ControlFlowGraph, and Nop is emitted in case a follow-on analysis needs to find the address where that branching instruction was originally located.

When lifting, direct conditional branches such as X86 je or MIPS be do not result in an Operation::Branch. Instead, the instruction will be omitted and edges will be emitted in the ControlFlowGraph with expressions which guard those edges. Branch will only be emitted for indirect branches.

Load and Store are obviously dependent on the endianness of the target architecture. Endianness is specified in the memory model, not in the IL.


An instruction provides position to an Operation within a Block, and also carries an optional address. When an Instruction is lifted from a program, this address field will be filled in.

You should not create an Instruction explicitly, but instead call the various methods over Block corresponding to the Operation you wish to emit, and this will create the Instruction implicitly.


A Block is a basic block, or a sequence of Instruction.

A Block does not carry an address field like Instruction. Instead, a Block has an index field, which is an arbitray location within a ControlFlowGraph.


An Edge connects two Blocks in a ControlFlowGraph. An edge has an optional field condition, which guards the edge. When direct conditional branches are lifted from a program, this field will be filled in with the condition that guards traversal of the edge.

We create a new Edge by calling the conditional_edge and unconditional_edge methods on a ControlFlowGraph.


A ControlFlowGraph is a directed graph with vertices of type Block and edges of type Edge.

A perhaps interesting property of ControlFlowGraph is the optional entry and exit index. Falcon lifters lift individual instructions to ControlFlowGraph, allowing them to capture semantics of instructions which loop, such as X86’s repne scasb instruction. Since all instructions have clearly defined entry and exit points, we can use these to append their lifted graphs together. This is how Falcon’s lifters construct basic blocks.


A function holds an address, and a ControlFlowGraph, applying location to the ControlFlowGraph. A function also has an optional name, which will be filled in by a Loader when a corresponding symbol is available, as well as an optional index for when this function belongs to an il::Program.


A program holds multiple instances of Function.

That’s it!

Falcon IL may seem verbose, because of the many components, but in practice it is relatively simple and straight forward, with a minimal set of expressions and operations. Influenced by RREIL and Binary Ninja’s IL, Falcon IL is my 3rd IL for binary program analysis, and strikes a good balance between simplicity and readability.

Unless writing a lifter, you should never have to create elements of the IL yourself, and can use the accessor methods to gather the information required.


A basic block in Falcon IL.
A constant value for Falcon IL
A directed graph of types Block and Edge.
Edge between IL blocks
A function for Falcon IL. Provides location and context in a Program to a ControlFlowGraph.
An Instruction represents location, and non-semantical information about an Operation.
An Instrinsic is a lifted instruction Falcon cannot model.
A representation of a program by il::Function
A location independent of any specific instance of Program.
A location applied to a Program.
A Scalar is a variable which holds a single value.


An IL Expression.
A location indepdent of any specific instance of Function.
An IL Operation updates some state.
A location applied to a Function.


A convenience function to create a new constant.
A convenience function to create a new constant expression.
A convenience function to create a new scalar expression.
A convenience function to create a new scalar.