[][src]Macro faker_rand::faker_impl_from_file

macro_rules! faker_impl_from_file {
    ($name: ident, $file: expr) => { ... };

Create a generator implementation from a file containing a list of words.

The first argument to the macro must be the name of type to create an implementation for. Said type must be a newtype whose first member must be a String. The second argument must be a string literal, a path to the file containing the list of words.

The macro will generate a Distribution and Display implementation for the type.

Each line of the given file, whose contents will be loaded using std::include_str, will be used as a possible value to return when the generator is sampled.

use faker_rand::faker_impl_from_file;

// First, declare your newtype wrapper around String.
struct Demo(String);

// Then, use the macro. data/lorem_words is a path to a file containing
// example words; you will need to change this path to suit your needs.
faker_impl_from_file!(Demo, "data/lorem_words");

use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
let mut rng = rand_chacha::ChaCha8Rng::seed_from_u64(0);

assert_eq!("impedit", rng.gen::<Demo>().to_string());