Macro fake_inheritance::fake_inheritance [] [src]

macro_rules! fake_inheritance {
    ($sname:ident, $fname:ident, fields = [$($ffname:ident:$return_val:ident;)*]) => { ... };
    ($sname:ident, $fname:ident, fields = [$(f($ffname:ident):$return_val:ident;)*]) => { ... };

Input of this macro follows: (parent_struct_name, field_name_for_inner_struct, fields = [ field_name: field_type; ...]) (The ... indicates that the pattern can be used infinitely). For the macro to use the inner struct's accesor functions (e. g inner.a()); use "fields = [f(field_name): field_type; ...]"


extern crate fake_inheritance;
struct Inner {
   a: i32, b: i32

struct Parent { inner: Inner }

fake_inheritance! { Parent, inner, fields = [a: i32; b: i32;] }

let parent = Parent { inner: Inner { a: 1, b: 2 }}; 
assert_eq!(parent.a(), 1);
assert_eq!(parent.b(), 2);