[][src]Module factom::compose

Functions that compose transactions, entries and identities.



Struct for deserialising the results of: compose-chain compose-entry compose-identity-attribute compose-identity-attribute-endorsement compose-identity-chain compose-identity-key-replacementt


Struct for deserialising the results of the functions: compose-chain compose-entry compose-identity-attribute compose-identity-attribute-endorsement compose-identity-chain compose-identity-key-replacementt


Struct for deserialising the results of the functions: compose-chain compose-entry compose-identity-attribute compose-identity-attribute-endorsement compose-identity-chain compose-identity-key-replacementt


compose-transaction function


Struct for deserialising the results of the functions: compose-chain compose-entry compose-identity-attribute compose-identity-attribute-endorsement compose-identity-chain compose-identity-key-replacementt


Struct for deserialising the results of the functions: compose-chain compose-entry compose-identity-attribute compose-identity-attribute-endorsement compose-identity-chain compose-identity-key-replacementt


compose-transaction function



This method, compose-chain, will return the appropriate API calls to create a chain in factom. You must first call the commit-chain, then the reveal-chain API calls. To be safe, wait a few seconds after calling commit.


This method, compose-entry, will return the appropriate API calls to create an entry in factom. You must first call the commit-entry, then the reveal-entry API calls. To be safe, wait a few seconds after calling commit.


This request allows one identity to state an attribute about another identity and publish that entry to any existing chain. An attribute is a set of generic key:value pairs that can be assigned to an identity and is flexible enough to accommodate many different use-cases. In the example request, an identity is giving itself an attribute describing its current email address, and writing that entry to its own identity chain. Each attribute must be in the format of {"key":KEY, "value":VALUE} where KEY and VALUE can be of any valid JSON type. Each attribute you wish to assign must be put into an array, even if it is just a single key/value pair. For example: [{"key":"worksAt", "value":"Factom Inc."}, {"key":"isNice", "value":true}] would be a valid attributes array to use as a parameter. If the wallet is encrypted, it must be unlocked prior to using this command.


This method helps you endorse an attribute that has already been registered on the Factom blockchain. To do this, you’ll need to create a structured entry on to the Identity chain. The compose-identity-attribute-endorsement method will return the API calls needed to create that entry. If the wallet is encrypted, it must be unlocked prior to using this command.


The compose-identity-chain method will return the appropriate API calls to create an identity chain in factom. The chain will be constructed based on the name and public keys that you send in the request. The response you receive is similar to the compose-chain response. You must first call the commit-chain, then the reveal-chain API calls. To be safe, wait a few seconds after calling commit. If the wallet is encrypted, it must be unlocked prior to using this command.


Replacing one of an identity’s keys is done by adding a structured entry onto the identity’s chain. This will need to be done if you feel that a key was compromised or has been in use for too long. The compose-identity-key-replacement method will return the API calls needed to create the replacement entry. The response you receive is similar to the compose-entry response. You must first call the commit-entry, then the reveal-entry API calls. To be safe, wait a few seconds after calling commit. If the wallet is encrypted, it must be unlocked prior to using this command.


Compose transaction marshals the transaction into a hex encoded string. The string can be inputted into the factomd API factoid-submit to be sent to the network.