Crate f64ad

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This crate brings easy to use, efficient, and highly flexible automatic differentiation to the Rust programming language. Utilizing Rust’s extensive operator overloading and expressive Enum features, f64ad can be thought of as a drop-in replacement for f64 that affords forward mode or backwards mode automatic differentiation on any downstream computation in Rust.

Key features

  • f64ad supports reverse mode or forward mode automatic differentiation
  • f64ad uses polymorphism such that any f64ad object can either be considered a derivative tracking variable or a standard f64 with very little overhead depending on your current use case. Thus, it is reasonable to replace almost all uses of f64 with f64ad, and in return, you’ll be able to “turn on” derivatives with respect to these values whenever you need them.
  • The f64ad Enum type implements several useful traits that allow it to operate almost exactly as a standard f64. For example, it even implements the RealField and ComplexField traits, meaning it can be used in any nalgebra or ndarray computations.
  • Certain functions can be pre-computed and locked to boost performance at run-time.

Example 1: Univariate Autodiff

extern crate f64ad;
use f64ad_core::ComplexField;
use f64ad_core::f64ad::{ComputationGraph, ComputationGraphMode};

fn main() {
    // Create a standard computation graph.
    let mut computation_graph = ComputationGraph::new(ComputationGraphMode::Standard, None);

    // Spawn an f64ad variable with a value of 2.
    let v = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(2.0);

    // You can now use an f64ad exactly the same as you would use a standard f64.  In this example,
    // we are just using the `powi` function to take v to the third power.
    let result = v.powi(3);
    println!("Result of v.powi(3): {:?}", result);

    // We can now find the derivative of our just computed function with respect to our input variable,
    // `v`.

    // We can do this in one of two ways.  First, we can use backwards mode autodiff, meaning we
    // call `backwards_mode_grad` on our output result wrt our input variable, `v`:
    let backwards_mode_derivative = result.backwards_mode_grad(false).wrt(&v);

    // Alternatively, we can use forward mode autodiff, meaning we call `forward_mode_grad` on
    // our input variable `v` wrt to our output variable, `result`.
    let forward_mode_derivative = v.forward_mode_grad(false).wrt(&result);

    // Both methods will output the same derivative.
    println!("Backwards mode derivative: {:?}", backwards_mode_derivative);
    println!("Forward mode derivative: {:?}", forward_mode_derivative);


Result of v.powi(3): f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 8.0, node_idx: 1 })
Backwards mode derivative: f64(12.0)
Forward mode derivative: f64(12.0)

Example 2: Backwards Mode Multivariate Autodiff

use f64ad_core::ComplexField;
use f64ad_core::f64ad::{ComputationGraph, ComputationGraphMode};

fn main() {
    // Create a standard computation graph.
    let mut computation_graph = ComputationGraph::new(ComputationGraphMode::Standard, None);

    // Spawn an f64ad variables from computation graph.
    let v0 = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(2.0);
    let v1 = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(4.0);
    let v2 = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(6.0);
    let v3 = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(8.0);

    // compute some result using our variables
    let result = v0.sin() * v1 + 5.0 * v2.log(v3);
    println!("Result: {:?}", result);

    // compute derivatives in backwards direction from result.  Using backwards mode automatic
    // differentiation makes sense in this case because our number of outputs (1) is less than
    // our number of input variables (4).
    let derivatives = result.backwards_mode_grad(false);

    // access derivatives for each input variable from our `derivatives` object.
    let d_result_d_v0 = derivatives.wrt(&v0);
    let d_result_d_v1 = derivatives.wrt(&v1);
    let d_result_d_v2 = derivatives.wrt(&v2);
    let d_result_d_v3 = derivatives.wrt(&v3);

    // print results
    println!("d_result_d_v0: {:?}", d_result_d_v0);
    println!("d_result_d_v1: {:?}", d_result_d_v1);
    println!("d_result_d_v2: {:?}", d_result_d_v2);
    println!("d_result_d_v3: {:?}", d_result_d_v3);


Result: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 7.9454605418379876, node_idx: 8 })
d_result_d_v0: f64(-1.6645873461885696)
d_result_d_v1: f64(0.9092974268256817)
d_result_d_v2: f64(0.40074862246915655)
d_result_d_v3: f64(-0.25898004032460736)

Example 3: Forward Mode Multivariate Autodiff

use f64ad_core::ComplexField;
use f64ad_core::f64ad::{ComputationGraph, ComputationGraphMode};

fn main() {
    // Create a standard computation graph.
    let mut computation_graph = ComputationGraph::new(ComputationGraphMode::Standard, None);

    // Spawn an f64ad variable with a value of 2.
    let v = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(2.0);

    // compute some results using our variable
    let result0 = v.sin();
    let result1 = v.cos();
    let result2 = v.tan();
    println!("Result0: {:?}", result0);
    println!("Result1: {:?}", result1);
    println!("Result2: {:?}", result2);

    // compute derivatives in forward direction from v.  Using forward mode automatic
    // differentiation makes sense in this case because our number of outputs (3) is greater than
    // our number of input variables (1).
    let derivatives = v.forward_mode_grad(false);

    // access derivatives for each input variable from our `derivatives` object.
    let d_result0_d_v = derivatives.wrt(&result0);
    let d_result1_d_v = derivatives.wrt(&result1);
    let d_result2_d_v = derivatives.wrt(&result2);

    // print results
    println!("d_result0_d_v: {:?}", d_result0_d_v);
    println!("d_result1_d_v: {:?}", d_result1_d_v);
    println!("d_result2_d_v: {:?}", d_result2_d_v);


Result0: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 0.9092974268256817, node_idx: 1 })
Result1: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: -0.4161468365471424, node_idx: 2 })
Result2: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: -2.185039863261519, node_idx: 3 })
d_result0_d_v: f64(-0.4161468365471424)
d_result1_d_v: f64(-0.9092974268256817)
d_result2_d_v: f64(5.774399204041917)

Example 4: Polymorphism

extern crate f64ad as f64ad_crate;
use f64ad_core::f64ad::{ComputationGraph, ComputationGraphMode, f64ad};

// f64ad is an enum here that is a drop-in replacement for f64.  It can track derivative information
// for both, either, or neither of the variables, you can select what you want depending on your
// application at the time.
fn f64ad_test(a: f64ad, b: f64ad) -> f64ad {
    return a + b;

fn main() {
    let mut computation_graph = ComputationGraph::new(ComputationGraphMode::Standard, None);
    let a = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(1.0);
    let b = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(2.0);

    // Compute result using two f64ad variables that track derivative information for both `a` and `b'.
    let result1 = f64ad_test(a, b);
    println!("result 1: {:?}", result1.value());


    let mut computation_graph = ComputationGraph::new(ComputationGraphMode::Standard, None);
    let a = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(1.0);

    // Compute result using one f64ad variables that only tracks derivative information for `a'.
    let result2 = f64ad_test(a, f64ad::f64(2.0));
    println!("result 2: {:?}", result2.value());


    // Compute result using zero f64ad variables.  This operation will not keep track of derivative information
    // for any variable and will essentially run as normal f64 floats with almost no overhead.
    let result3 = f64ad_test(f64ad::f64(1.0), f64ad::f64(2.0));
    println!("result 3: {:?}", result3.value());


result 1: 3.0
result 2: 3.0
result 3: 3.0

Example 5: Univariate Higher Order Derivatives

use f64ad_core::ComplexField;
use f64ad_core::f64ad::{ComputationGraph, ComputationGraphMode};

fn main() {
    // Create a standard computation graph.
    let mut computation_graph = ComputationGraph::new(ComputationGraphMode::Standard, None);

    // Spawn an f64ad variables from computation graph.
    let v = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(2.0);

    let result = v.powi(5);
    println!("Result: {:?}", result);

    // first derivative computations...
    // we must set the parameter `add_to_computation_graph` to `true`
    let derivatives = result.backwards_mode_grad(true);
    let d_result_d_v = derivatives.wrt(&v);
    println!("d_result_d_v: {:?}", d_result_d_v);

    // second derivative computations...
    // we must set the parameter `add_to_computation_graph` to `true`
    let derivatives = d_result_d_v.backwards_mode_grad(true);
    let d2_result_d_v2 = derivatives.wrt(&v);
    println!("d2_result_d_v2: {:?}", d2_result_d_v2);

    // third derivative computations...
    // we must set the parameter `add_to_computation_graph` to `true`
    let derivatives = d2_result_d_v2.backwards_mode_grad(true);
    let d3_result_d_v3 = derivatives.wrt(&v);
    println!("d3_result_d_v3: {:?}", d3_result_d_v3);

    // fourth derivative computations...
    // we must set the parameter `add_to_computation_graph` to `true`
    let derivatives = d3_result_d_v3.backwards_mode_grad(true);
    let d4_result_d_v4 = derivatives.wrt(&v);
    println!("d4_result_d_v4: {:?}", d4_result_d_v4);

    // fifth derivative computations...
    // we must set the parameter `add_to_computation_graph` to `true`
    let derivatives = d4_result_d_v4.backwards_mode_grad(true);
    let d5_result_d_v5 = derivatives.wrt(&v);
    println!("d5_result_d_v5: {:?}", d5_result_d_v5);

    // sixth derivative computations...
    // we must set the parameter `add_to_computation_graph` to `true`
    let derivatives = d5_result_d_v5.backwards_mode_grad(true);
    let d6_result_d_v6 = derivatives.wrt(&v);
    println!("d6_result_d_v6: {:?}", d6_result_d_v6);


Result: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 32.0, node_idx: 1 })
d_result_d_v: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 80.0, node_idx: 6 })
d2_result_d_v2: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 160.0, node_idx: 23 })
d3_result_d_v3: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 240.0, node_idx: 80 })
d4_result_d_v4: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 240.0, node_idx: 249 })
d5_result_d_v5: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 120.0, node_idx: 706 })
d6_result_d_v6: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 0.0, node_idx: 1888 })

Example 6: Multivariate higher order derivatives

use f64ad_core::ComplexField;
use f64ad_core::f64ad::{ComputationGraph, ComputationGraphMode};

fn main() {
    // Create a standard computation graph.
    let mut computation_graph = ComputationGraph::new(ComputationGraphMode::Standard, None);

    // Spawn an f64ad variables from computation graph.
    let v0 = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(2.0);
    let v1 = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(4.0);

    let result = v0.powf(v1);
    println!("Result: {:?}", result);

    // first derivative computations...
    let derivatives = result.backwards_mode_grad(true);

    let d_result_d_v0 = derivatives.wrt(&v0);
    let d_result_d_v1 = derivatives.wrt(&v1);
    println!("d_result_d_v0: {:?}", d_result_d_v0);
    println!("d_result_d_v0: {:?}", d_result_d_v1);

    // second derivative computations...
    let derivatives2_d_result_d_v0 = d_result_d_v0.backwards_mode_grad(true);
    let derivatives2_d_result_d_v1 = d_result_d_v1.backwards_mode_grad(true);

    let d2_result_dv0v0 = derivatives2_d_result_d_v0.wrt(&v0);
    let d2_result_dv0v1 = derivatives2_d_result_d_v0.wrt(&v1);
    let d2_result_dv1v0 = derivatives2_d_result_d_v1.wrt(&v0);
    let d2_result_dv1v1 = derivatives2_d_result_d_v1.wrt(&v1);
    println!("d2_result_dv0v0: {:?}", d2_result_dv0v0);
    println!("d2_result_dv0v1: {:?}", d2_result_dv0v1);
    println!("d2_result_dv1v0: {:?}", d2_result_dv1v0);
    println!("d2_result_dv1v1: {:?}", d2_result_dv1v1);

    // etc...


Result: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 16.0, node_idx: 2 })
d_result_d_v0: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 32.0, node_idx: 11 })
d_result_d_v0: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 11.090354888959125, node_idx: 13 })
d2_result_dv0v0: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 48.0, node_idx: 66 })
d2_result_dv0v1: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 30.18070977791825, node_idx: 68 })
d2_result_dv1v0: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 30.18070977791825, node_idx: 290 })
d2_result_dv1v1: f64ad_var(f64ad_var{ value: 7.687248222691222, node_idx: 292 })

Example 7: Locked Computation Graphs

use f64ad_core::ComplexField;
use f64ad_core::f64ad::{ComputationGraph, ComputationGraphMode};

fn main() {
    // Create a computation graph with mode `Lock`.  This signals that all computations that happen
    // on this graph will eventually be locked and, thus, only certain programs without conditional
    // branching will be compatible.  Any incompatible programs will panic.
    let mut computation_graph = ComputationGraph::new(ComputationGraphMode::Lock, None);
    let v = computation_graph.spawn_f64ad_var(3.0);

    let result = v.cos();

    // This locks the computation graph.  The `result` variable is taken as input here and is stored
    // by the locked graph.
    let mut function_locked_computation_graph = computation_graph.lock(None, result);

    // We can now replace the value of `v` here and use the `push_forward_compute` function to
    // recompute all downstream values on the locked function.
    function_locked_computation_graph.set_value(0, 0.0);
    let new_output = function_locked_computation_graph.get_value(function_locked_computation_graph.template_output().node_idx());
    println!("v.cos() at v = 0.0: {:?}", new_output);

    // Here is another example where `v` is set with a value of 1.0.
    function_locked_computation_graph.set_value(0, 1.0);
    let new_output = function_locked_computation_graph.get_value(function_locked_computation_graph.template_output().node_idx());
    println!("v.cos() at v = 1.0: {:?}", new_output);

    // Because derivative/ gradient computations do not ever require conditional branching,
    // any derivatives over any compatible lockable functions can be locked as well.
    let derivatives = result.backwards_mode_grad(true);
    let derivative = derivatives.wrt(&v);
    let mut derivative_locked_computation_graph = computation_graph.lock(None, derivative);

    // Here, we are pushing forward the computation on the derivative of v.cos() at v = 0.0
    derivative_locked_computation_graph.set_value(0, 0.0);
    let new_output = derivative_locked_computation_graph.get_value(derivative_locked_computation_graph.template_output().node_idx());
    println!("derivative of v.cos() at v = 0.0: {:?}", new_output);

    // Here, we are pushing forward the computation on the derivative of v.cos() at v = 1.0
    derivative_locked_computation_graph.set_value(0, 1.0);
    let new_output = derivative_locked_computation_graph.get_value(derivative_locked_computation_graph.template_output().node_idx());
    println!("derivative of v.cos() at v = 1.0: {:?}", new_output);

    // Locked computation graphs can also spawn `locked_vars`.  These are also variants of the f64ad
    // Enum, thus they can also operate in any function.  However, after spawning variables, all downstream
    // computations must be EXACTLY THE SAME as the functions used on the original ComputationGraph
    // prior to locking (if functions are different, an error will be thrown).  Thus, in this example,
    // we call v.cos() on the locked_var because it is the same as the original computation above.
    // The locked_computation_graph then automatically updates its internal data and correctly
    // computes the derivative after the push_forward_compute function.
    let v = derivative_locked_computation_graph.spawn_locked_var(2.0);
    let new_output = derivative_locked_computation_graph.get_value(derivative_locked_computation_graph.template_output().node_idx());
    println!("derivative of v.cos() at v = 2.0: {:?}", new_output);


v.cos() at v = 0.0: 1.0
v.cos() at v = 1.0: 0.5403023058681398
derivative of v.cos() at v = 0.0: 0.0
derivative of v.cos() at v = 1.0: -0.8414709848078965
derivative of v.cos() at v = 2.0: -0.9092974268256817

Crate structure

This crate is a cargo workspace with two member crates: (1) f64ad_core; and (2) f64ad_core_derive. All core implementations for f64ad can be found in f64ad_core. The f64ad_core_derive is currently a placeholder and will be used for procedural macro implementations.

Implementation note on unsafe code

This crate uses unsafe implementations under the hood. I tried to avoid using unsafe, but I deemed it necessary in this case. Without using unsafe code, I had two other options: (1) f64ad_var could’ve used a smart pointer that cannot implement the Copy trait and, thus, f64ad could not be Copy either. This would mean that f64ad could not be an easy drop-in replacement for f64 as annoying .clone() functions would have to be littered everywhere; or (2) f64ad_var could’ve used a reference to some smart pointer, such as &RefCell. However, certain libraries, such as nalgebra, require their generic inputs to be static, meaning the reference would’ve had to be &'static RefCell in f64ad_var. In turn, ComputationGraph would also have to be static, meaning it would essentially have to be a mutable global static variable that would involve unsafe code anyway. In the end, I viewed an unsafe raw pointer to a ComputationGraph as the “best” among three sub-optimal options.

I was very careful with my internal implementations given the unsafe nature of the computations; however, PLEASE be aware that the computation graph should NEVER GO OUT OF SCOPE IF ANY OF ITS VARIABLES ARE STILL IN USE.



Approximate equality of using the absolute difference.
Approximate inequality of using the absolute difference.
An assertion that delegates to [abs_diff_eq!], and panics with a helpful error on failure.
An assertion that delegates to [abs_diff_ne!], and panics with a helpful error on failure.
An assertion that delegates to [relative_eq!], and panics with a helpful error on failure.
An assertion that delegates to [relative_ne!], and panics with a helpful error on failure.
An assertion that delegates to [ulps_eq!], and panics with a helpful error on failure.
An assertion that delegates to [ulps_ne!], and panics with a helpful error on failure.
Approximate equality using both the absolute difference and relative based comparisons.
Approximate inequality using both the absolute difference and relative based comparisons.
Approximate equality using both the absolute difference and ULPs (Units in Last Place).
Approximate inequality using both the absolute difference and ULPs (Units in Last Place).


The requisite parameters for testing for approximate equality using a absolute difference based comparison.
The requisite parameters for testing for approximate equality using a relative based comparison.
The requisite parameters for testing for approximate equality using an ULPs based comparison.



Equality that is defined using the absolute difference of two numbers.
A generic interface for casting between machine scalars with the as operator, which admits narrowing and precision loss. Implementers of this trait AsPrimitive should behave like a primitive numeric type (e.g. a newtype around another primitive), and the intended conversion must never fail.
Numbers which have upper and lower bounds
Performs addition that returns None instead of wrapping around on overflow.
Performs division that returns None instead of panicking on division by zero and instead of wrapping around on underflow and overflow.
Performs multiplication that returns None instead of wrapping around on underflow or overflow.
Performs negation that returns None if the result can’t be represented.
Performs an integral remainder that returns None instead of panicking on division by zero and instead of wrapping around on underflow and overflow.
Performs a left shift that returns None on shifts larger than the type width.
Performs a right shift that returns None on shifts larger than the type width.
Performs subtraction that returns None instead of wrapping around on underflow.
Trait alias for Add and AddAssign with result of type Self.
Trait alias for Div and DivAssign with result of type Self.
Trait alias for Mul and MulAssign with result of type Self.
Trait alias for Neg with result of type Self.
Trait alias for Sub and SubAssign with result of type Self.
Trait shared by all complex fields and its subfields (like real numbers).
Trait implemented by fields, i.e., complex numbers and floats.
Generic trait for floating point numbers
A generic trait for converting a number to a value.
Unary operator for retrieving the multiplicative inverse, or reciprocal, of a value.
Fused multiply-add. Computes (self * a) + b with only one rounding error, yielding a more accurate result than an unfused multiply-add.
The fused multiply-add assignment operation.
The base trait for numeric types, covering 0 and 1 values, comparisons, basic numeric operations, and string conversion.
The trait for Num types which also implement assignment operators.
Generic trait for types implementing numeric assignment operators (like +=).
The trait for NumAssign types which also implement assignment operations taking the second operand by reference.
An interface for casting between machine scalars.
Generic trait for types implementing basic numeric operations
The trait for Num types which also implement numeric operations taking the second operand by reference.
Defines a multiplicative identity element for Self.
Binary operator for raising a value to a power.
Generic trait for primitive integers.
Trait shared by all reals.
The trait for Num references which implement numeric operations, taking the second operand either by value or by reference.
Equality comparisons between two numbers using both the absolute difference and relative based comparisons.
Saturating math operations. Deprecated, use SaturatingAdd, SaturatingSub and SaturatingMul instead.
Performs addition that saturates at the numeric bounds instead of overflowing.
Performs multiplication that saturates at the numeric bounds instead of overflowing.
Performs subtraction that saturates at the numeric bounds instead of overflowing.
Useful functions for signed numbers (i.e. numbers that can be negative).
Nested sets and conversions between them (using an injective mapping). Useful to work with substructures. In generic code, it is preferable to use SupersetOf as trait bound whenever possible instead of SubsetOf (because SupersetOf is automatically implemented whenever SubsetOf is).
Nested sets and conversions between them. Useful to work with substructures. It is preferable to implement the SubsetOf trait instead of SupersetOf whenever possible (because SupersetOf is automatically implemented whenever SubsetOf is).
A generic trait for converting a value to a number.
Equality comparisons between two numbers using both the absolute difference and ULPs (Units in Last Place) based comparisons.
A trait for values which cannot be negative
Performs addition that wraps around on overflow.
Performs multiplication that wraps around on overflow.
Performs a negation that does not panic.
Performs a left shift that does not panic.
Performs a right shift that does not panic.
Performs subtraction that wraps around on overflow.
Defines an additive identity element for Self.


Computes the absolute value.
The positive difference of two numbers.
Cast from one machine scalar to another.
Raises a value to the power of exp, returning None if an overflow occurred.
A value bounded by a minimum and a maximum
A value bounded by a maximum value
A value bounded by a minimum value
Returns the multiplicative identity, 1.
Raises a value to the power of exp, using exponentiation by squaring.
Returns the sign of the number.
Returns the additive identity, 0.