Crate extra_safe

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An exploration of type-level SAFE.

This software is in a very early stage of development. We do not advise depending on it, yet.

The goal of this crate is to interface with any implementation of the SAFE API and make its errors appear at compile-time rather than at runtime.

The SAFE API for sponge functions

The Safe API is an interface for the use of a sponge, a frequent building block for hash functions. It is more specifically a variant of the duplex model, by default specified with field elements as the arguments-which makes it zkProof-firendly. The aim of this API is to help eliminate common painpoints and security bugs found in implementations.

  • Security flaws, such as domain separation failures
  • Inconsistent APIs that are hard to use securely

The SAFE API is documented at See also this talk at the ZKSummit 8:


This crate applies typestate-oriented programming techniques in Rust, along with type-level programming in order of make SAFE APIs even more safe.

At a basic level, the SAFE API is meant to return errors at runtime when the user makes a mistake in its usage. This crate aims to lift most of those errors at compile time.


MIT This crate offers a method and a set of traits that lifts the errors produces by the Sponge API at runtime. To read more about the Sponge API, you can read the Spec at this link.


  • This module contains the traits for the IOPattern type, along with the implementation of type-level operations checking on their correct usage. The IOPattern type is a type-level HList of IOWords, which are either Absorb or Squeeze. The main operations are Normalize, which merges successive words of the same type, and Consume, which takes a word and an IOPattern, and checks whether it is legal to use the operation of this word on the tip of the IOPattern. This is explained in more detail in the spec document.


  • Convenience helper for creating an instance of List


  • This is a slightly extended generic NewType wrapper around the original SpongeAPI. It is decorated with the IOPattern I intended for this sponge instance.
  • The type describing the I/O pattern of a sponge, at a term level.


  • The Error returned at runtime by the sponge API in case the finalize operation fails.
  • The SpongeWord type is lifted straight from the Neptune codebase. See <>


  • This is the SpongeAPI trait as you can find it in Neptune, see <> Slightly modified so that the squeeze function takes an argument as a mutable slice instead of returning a Vec.
  • Conversion from a trait::List type-level IOPattern to a crate::IOpattern This is morally an extension trait of the List trait, though Rust can of course not check exhaustivity.
  • Conversion from a type-level IOWord to a crate::SpongeOp This is, morally speaking, an extension trait of the IOWord trait, though Rust can of course not check exhaustivity.