[][src]Module exr::block

Handle uncompressed pixel byte blocks. Includes compression and decompression, and some functions that completely read an image into blocks.



Extract lines from a block of pixel bytes.


Extract pixel samples from a block of pixel bytes.



Specifies where a block of pixel data should be placed in the actual image. This is a globally unique identifier which includes the layer, level index, and pixel location.


Contains a block of pixel data and where that data should be placed in the actual image.



Compress all chunks in the image described by meta_data and get_line. Calls write_chunk for each compressed chunk, while respecting the line_order of the image.


Reads and decompresses all chunks of a file sequentially without seeking. Will not skip any parts of the file. Does not buffer the reader, you should always pass a BufReader.


Read all chunks without seeking. Returns the meta data, number of chunks, and a compressed chunk reader. Does not buffer the reader, you should always pass a BufReader.


Reads ad decompresses all desired chunks of a file sequentially, possibly seeking. Will skip any parts of the file that do not match the specified filter condition. Will never seek if the filter condition matches all chunks. Does not buffer the reader, you should always pass a BufReader.


Read all desired chunks, possibly seeking. Skips all chunks that do not match the filter. Returns the compressed chunks. Does not buffer the reader, you should always pass a BufReader.


Iterate over all uncompressed blocks of an image. The image contents are collected by the get_line function parameter. Returns blocks in LineOrder::Increasing, unless the line order is requested to be decreasing.